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xgboost/dmlc-core/src/io/s3_filesys.h  view on Meta::CPAN

 *  Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
 * \file s3_filesys.h
 * \brief S3 access module
 * \author Tianqi Chen

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "./filesys.h"

namespace dmlc {
namespace io {
/*! \brief AWS S3 filesystem */
class S3FileSystem : public FileSystem {
  /*! \brief destructor */
  virtual ~S3FileSystem() {}

   * \brief Sets AWS access credentials
   * \param aws_access_id The AWS Access Key ID
   * \param aws_secret_key The AWS Secret Key
   * \return the information about the file
  void SetCredentials(const std::string& aws_access_id,
                      const std::string& aws_secret_key);

   * \brief get information about a path
   * \param path the path to the file
   * \return the information about the file
  virtual FileInfo GetPathInfo(const URI &path);
   * \brief list files in a directory
   * \param path to the file
   * \param out_list the output information about the files
  virtual void ListDirectory(const URI &path, std::vector<FileInfo> *out_list);
   * \brief open a stream, will report error and exit if bad thing happens
   * NOTE: the Stream can continue to work even when filesystem was destructed
   * \param path path to file
   * \param uri the uri of the input
   * \param flag can be "w", "r", "a"
   * \param allow_null whether NULL can be returned, or directly report error
   * \return the created stream, can be NULL when allow_null == true and file do not exist
  virtual Stream *Open(const URI &path, const char* const flag, bool allow_null);
   * \brief open a seekable stream for read
   * \param path the path to the file
   * \param allow_null whether NULL can be returned, or directly report error
   * \return the created stream, can be NULL when allow_null == true and file do not exist
  virtual SeekStream *OpenForRead(const URI &path, bool allow_null);
   * \brief get a singleton of S3FileSystem when needed
   * \return a singleton instance
  inline static S3FileSystem *GetInstance(void) {
    static S3FileSystem instance;
    return &instance;

  /*! \brief constructor */
  /*! \brief AWS access id */
  std::string aws_access_id_;
  /*! \brief AWS secret key */
  std::string aws_secret_key_;
  /*! \brief AWS region*/
  std::string aws_region_;

   * \brief try to get information about a path
   * \param path the path to the file
   * \param out_info holds the path info
   * \return return false when path do not exist

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