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corpus/alien_build_plugin_fetch_wget/record/old.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

  exit: 0
  files: {}
  stderr: ''
  stdout: |
    GNU Wget 1.20.1, a non-interactive network retriever.
    Usage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]...
    Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
      -V,  --version                   display the version of Wget and exit
      -h,  --help                      print this help
      -b,  --background                go to background after startup
      -e,  --execute=COMMAND           execute a `.wgetrc'-style command
    Logging and input file:
      -o,  --output-file=FILE          log messages to FILE
      -a,  --append-output=FILE        append messages to FILE
      -d,  --debug                     print lots of debugging information
      -q,  --quiet                     quiet (no output)
      -v,  --verbose                   be verbose (this is the default)
      -nv, --no-verbose                turn off verboseness, without being quiet
           --report-speed=TYPE         output bandwidth as TYPE.  TYPE can be bits
      -i,  --input-file=FILE           download URLs found in local or external FILE
      -F,  --force-html                treat input file as HTML
      -B,  --base=URL                  resolves HTML input-file links (-i -F)
                                         relative to URL
           --config=FILE               specify config file to use
           --no-config                 do not read any config file
           --rejected-log=FILE         log reasons for URL rejection to FILE
      -t,  --tries=NUMBER              set number of retries to NUMBER (0 unlimits)
           --retry-connrefused         retry even if connection is refused
           --retry-on-http-error=ERRORS    comma-separated list of HTTP errors to retry
      -O,  --output-document=FILE      write documents to FILE
      -nc, --no-clobber                skip downloads that would download to
                                         existing files (overwriting them)
           --no-netrc                  don't try to obtain credentials from .netrc
      -c,  --continue                  resume getting a partially-downloaded file
           --start-pos=OFFSET          start downloading from zero-based position OFFSET
           --progress=TYPE             select progress gauge type
           --show-progress             display the progress bar in any verbosity mode
      -N,  --timestamping              don't re-retrieve files unless newer than
           --no-if-modified-since      don't use conditional if-modified-since get
                                         requests in timestamping mode
           --no-use-server-timestamps  don't set the local file's timestamp by
                                         the one on the server
      -S,  --server-response           print server response
           --spider                    don't download anything
      -T,  --timeout=SECONDS           set all timeout values to SECONDS
           --dns-timeout=SECS          set the DNS lookup timeout to SECS
           --connect-timeout=SECS      set the connect timeout to SECS
           --read-timeout=SECS         set the read timeout to SECS
      -w,  --wait=SECONDS              wait SECONDS between retrievals
           --waitretry=SECONDS         wait 1..SECONDS between retries of a retrieval
           --random-wait               wait from 0.5*WAIT...1.5*WAIT secs between retrievals
           --no-proxy                  explicitly turn off proxy
      -Q,  --quota=NUMBER              set retrieval quota to NUMBER
           --bind-address=ADDRESS      bind to ADDRESS (hostname or IP) on local host
           --limit-rate=RATE           limit download rate to RATE
           --no-dns-cache              disable caching DNS lookups
           --restrict-file-names=OS    restrict chars in file names to ones OS allows
           --ignore-case               ignore case when matching files/directories
      -4,  --inet4-only                connect only to IPv4 addresses
      -6,  --inet6-only                connect only to IPv6 addresses
           --prefer-family=FAMILY      connect first to addresses of specified family,
                                         one of IPv6, IPv4, or none
           --user=USER                 set both ftp and http user to USER
           --password=PASS             set both ftp and http password to PASS
           --ask-password              prompt for passwords
           --use-askpass=COMMAND       specify credential handler for requesting 
                                         username and password.  If no COMMAND is 
                                         specified the WGET_ASKPASS or the SSH_ASKPASS 
                                         environment variable is used.
           --no-iri                    turn off IRI support
           --local-encoding=ENC        use ENC as the local encoding for IRIs
           --remote-encoding=ENC       use ENC as the default remote encoding
           --unlink                    remove file before clobber
           --xattr                     turn on storage of metadata in extended file attributes
      -nd, --no-directories            don't create directories
      -x,  --force-directories         force creation of directories
      -nH, --no-host-directories       don't create host directories
           --protocol-directories      use protocol name in directories
      -P,  --directory-prefix=PREFIX   save files to PREFIX/..
           --cut-dirs=NUMBER           ignore NUMBER remote directory components
    HTTP options:
           --http-user=USER            set http user to USER
           --http-password=PASS        set http password to PASS
           --no-cache                  disallow server-cached data
           --default-page=NAME         change the default page name (normally
                                         this is 'index.html'.)
      -E,  --adjust-extension          save HTML/CSS documents with proper extensions
           --ignore-length             ignore 'Content-Length' header field
           --header=STRING             insert STRING among the headers

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( run in 1.214 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )