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lib/Akamai/Open/DiagnosticTools.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

            } else {
        when($_ =~m/^5\d\d/) {
            $self->last_error('the server returned a 50x error');
    $self->last_error(sprintf('%s %s %s', $data->{'httpStatus'} ,$data->{'title'} ,$data->{'problemInstance'}));




=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Akamai::Open::DiagnosticTools - The Akamai Open DiagnosticTools API Perl client

=head1 VERSION

version 0.02


 use Akamai::Open::Client;
 use Akamai::Open::DiagnosticTools;

 my $client = Akamai::Open::Client->new();

 my $diag = Akamai::Open::DiagnosticTools->new(client => $client);
 my $loc  = $diag->locations();
 my $dig  = $diag->dig({hostname => 'cpan.org', queryType => 'A', location => 'Frankfurt, Germany'});
 my $mtr  = $diag->mtr({destinationDomain => 'cpan.org', sourceIp => ''});

=head1 ABOUT

I<Akamai::Open::DiagnosticTools> provides an API client for the 
Akamai Open DiagnosticTools API which is described L<here|https://developer.akamai.com/api/luna/diagnostic-tools/reference.html>.

=head1 USAGE

All API calls for the DiagnosticTools API are described and explained
at the L<Akamai Open DiagnosticTools API Portal|https://developer.akamai.com/api/luna/diagnostic-tools/reference.html>.

=head2 Akamai::Open::DiagnosticTools->new(client => $client)

For every I<Akamai::Open> API call you'll need some client credentials.
These are provided by the L<Akamai::Open:Client|http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Akamai::Open::Client> 
module and can reviewed at the LUNA control center.

A succesfull call to I<new()> will return a I<Moose> powered 
I<Akamai::Open::DiagnosticTools> object.

=head2 $diag->baseurl($baseurl)

To successfully access an I<Akamai Open API> you'll need a baseurl, 
which is provided by the I<LUNA control center Manage API Portal> 
and is uniq to every configured API user and API itself.

I<baseurl()> is a I<Moose> powered getter/setter method, to set 
and receive the object's assigned baseurl.

=head2 $diag->locations()

To initiate diagnostinc actions inside the Akamai network, you'll
need the information about the locations from which diagnostic 
actions are available.

I<locations()> provides the informations. On success it returns a 
Perl-style array reference. On error it returns I<undef> and sets 
the I<last_error()> appropriate.

=head2 $diag->mtr($hash_ref)

I<mtr()> returns a network trace like the well know I<mtr> Unix command.

I<mtr()> accepts the following parameters in $hash_ref as a Perl-style
hash reference:

=over 4

=item * destinationDomain

The domain name you want to get information about. Example: I<cpan.org>.
This parameter is mandatory.

=item * location

Location of a Akamai Server you want to run mtr from. You can find 
servers using the I<locations()> call. This paramter is optional. 
Either location or sourceIp has to be passed to I<mtr()>

=item * sourceIp

A Akamai Server IP you want to run mtr from. This paramter is optional. 
Either location or sourceIp has to be passed to I<mtr()>


On success it returns a Perl-style hash reference. On error it returns 
I<undef> and sets the I<last_error()> appropriate.

The hash reference has the following format:

     'source' => ...,
     'packetLoss' => '...',

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