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lib/AXL/Client/Simple/  view on Meta::CPAN


First set up your CUCM AXL client as per L<AXL::Client::Simple>:

 use AXL::Client::Simple;
 my $cucm = AXL::Client::Simple->new({
     server      => '',
     username    => 'oliver',
     password    => 's3krit', # or set in $ENV{AXL_PASS}

Then perform simple queries on the Unified Communications server:

 my $device = $cucm->get_phone('SEP001122334455');
 my $lines = $device->lines;
 printf "this device has %s lines.\n", $lines->count;
 while ($lines->has_next) {
     my $l = $lines->next;
     print $l->alertingName, "\n";
     print $l->extn, "\n";
 if ($device->has_active_em) {
     # extension mobility is active, so the lines are different
     my $profile = $device->currentProfile;
     my $profile_lines = $profile->lines;
     printf "this profile has %s lines.\n", $profile_lines->count;
     while ($profile_lines->has_next) {
         my $l = $profile_lines->next;
         print $l->alertingName, "\n";
         print $l->extn, "\n";


This module allows you to retrieve some properties of a device registered with
a Cisco Unified Communications server, including its line numbers and
extension mobility profile lines.

=head1 METHODS


=head2 AXL::Client::Simple::Phone->new( \%arguments )

You would not normally call this constructor. Use the L<AXL::Client::Simple>
constructor instead.

=over 4

=item C<< client => >> C<AXL::Client::Simple> object (required)

An instance of C<AXL::Client::Simple> which has been configured with your
server location, user credentials and SOAP APIs. This will be stored as a weak

=item C<< stash => >> Hash Ref (required)

This hash reference contains the raw data returned from the Unified
Communications server when asked for properties of this device. From this
stash are retrieved data to construct each property as listed below.



=head2 $device->lines

Query the Unified Communications server and retrieve phone line details for
this device. 

The returned object contains the ordered collection of phone lines and is of
type C<AXL::Client::Simple::LineResultSet>. It's an iterator, so you can walk
through the list of lines (see the synposis, above). For example:

 my $lines = $device->lines;

=head2 $lines->next

Provides the next item in the collection of lines, or C<undef> if there are no
more items to return. Usually used in a loop along with C<has_next> like so:

 while ($lines->has_next) {
     print $lines->next->alertingName, "\n";  # the alerting name field from CUCM
     print $lines->next->extn, "\n";          # the phone line extension number

=head2 $lines->peek

Returns the next item without moving the state of the iterator forward. It
returns C<undef> if it is at the end of the collection and there are no more
items to return.

=head2 $lines->has_next

Returns a true value if there is another entry in the collection after the
current item, otherwise returns a false value.

=head2 $lines->reset

Resets the iterator's cursor, so you can walk through the entries again from
the start.

=head2 $lines->count

Returns the number of entries returned by the C<lines> server query.

=head2 $lines->items

Returns an array ref containing all the entries returned by the C<lines>
server query. They are each objects of type C<AXL::Client::Simple::Line>.


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