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            $self->{persistant}{password} = $u;
            croak "No password defined, quitting\n";
    $user  = $self->{persistant}{user};
    $pword = $self->{persistant}{password};

    # Handle the other passed arguments
    $self->{server}      = $args->{server}      if $args->{server};
    $self->{log}         = $args->{log}         if $args->{log};
    $self->{max_returns} = $args->{max_returns} if defined $args->{max_returns};
    $self->{reset_limit} = $args->{reset_limit} if defined $args->{reset_limit};

    if ($args->{ars_debug})
        $ARS::DEBUGGING = 1;
    $self->{debug} = $args->{debug} ? 1 : 0;

    ## Now connect to Remedy
    if ($self->{server} && $user && $pword)
        my $ctl = ars_Login($self->{server}, $user, $pword);
        if ($ctl)
            $self->{ctl} = $ctl;
            croak(__PACKAGE__ . " object initialisation failed.\nFailed to log into Remedy server=" . $self->{server} . " as user '$user' with supplied password: $ars_errstr\n");
        croak(__PACKAGE__ . " object initialisation failed, server, user and password are required\n");

    # GG test - need to find and store the current value of AR_SERVER_INFO_MAX_ENTRIES
    #           so we can set reset_limit if not defined
    #my %s = ars_GetServerInfo($self->{ctl});
    #print  Dumper(\%s);

1; # End of ARS::Simple


=head1 NAME

ARS::Simple - A simplified interface to Remedy ARSystem


A simple interface to Remedy ARSystem utilising the ARSperl API interface.
Keeps your code more readable and by use of the cache avoids your credentials
being spread through all your scripts.

 use ARS::Simple;

 my $ar = ARS::Simple->new({
     server   => 'my_remedy_server',
     user     => 'admin',
     password => 'admin',

 ### Get the Entry-ID/Request-ID for all User's with Login starting with 'g'
 # Here $eid is any array reference of entry-id/request-id values
 my $data = $ar->get_list({
     form  => 'User',
     query => qq{'Login' LIKE "g%"},
 print Data::Dumper->Dump([$data], ['data']), "\n";
 # Resulting data dump:
 # $data = {
 #   'eids' => [
 #     '000000000004467',
 #     '000000000004469',
 #     '000000000004470',
 #   ],
 #   'numMatches' => 3

 ### Get data from a form, based on a query (as you would use in the User Tool)
 my $form  = 'User';
 my $entryListLabel = $ar->get_data_by_label({
     form  => $form,
     query => qq{'Login Name' LIKE "ge%"},  # Login Name = FID 101
     lfid  => { 'LoginName', 101, 'FullName', 8, 'LicenseType', 109, },
 print Data::Dumper->Dump([$entryListLabel], ['entryListLabel']), "\n";
 # Resulting data dump:
 # $entryListLabel = {
 #  '000000000014467' => {
 #    'FullName' => 'Geoff Batty',
 #    'LicenseType' => 0,
 #    'LoginName' => 'gbatty'
 #  },
 #  '000000000014469' => {
 #    'FullName' => 'Greg George',
 #    'LicenseType' => 2,
 #    'LoginName' => 'gregg'
 #  },
 #  '000000000024470' => {
 #    'FullName' => 'Gabrielle Gustoff',
 #    'LicenseType' => 0,
 #    'LoginName' => 'ggustoff'
 #  },

 # Update a record, change the Login Name to 'greg'
 my %lvp = ( LoginName => 'greg' );
     eid  => '000000000014469',
     form => 'User',
     lvp  => \%lvp,
     lfid => { 'LoginName', 101, 'FullName', 8, 'LicenseType', 109, },

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