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lib/Gearman/  view on Meta::CPAN

    print "1 + 2 = $$result_ref\n";

    # waiting on a set of tasks in parallel
    my $taskset = $client->new_task_set;
    $taskset->add_task( "add" => "1+2", {
       on_complete => sub { ... }
    $taskset->add_task( "divide" => "5/0", {
       on_fail => sub { print "divide by zero error!\n"; },


I<Gearman::Client> is a client class for the Gearman distributed job
system, providing a framework for sending jobs to one or more Gearman
servers. These jobs are then distributed out to a farm of workers.

Callers instantiate a I<Gearman::Client> object and from it dispatch
single tasks, sets of tasks, or check on the status of tasks.

I<Gearman::Client> is derived from L<Gearman::Objects>

=head1 USAGE

=head2 Gearman::Client->new(%options)

Creates a new I<Gearman::Client> object, and returns the object.

If I<%options> is provided, initializes the new client object with the
settings in I<%options>, which can contain:

=over 4



If true, the client sends an L<OPTION_REQ exceptions|> request for each connection to the job server.
This causes job server to forward WORK_EXCEPTION packets to the client.



List of job servers. Value should be an array reference, hash reference
or scalar.

Calls L<Gearman::Objects> to set I<job_servers>



Calls I<prefix> (see L<Gearman::Objects>) to set the prefix / namespace.



Maximum time a gearman command should take to get a result (not a job timeout)

default: 30 seconds



Max number of failed connection attempts before an job server will be temporary disabled

default: 90



=head2 Summation

This is an example client that sends off a request to sum up a list of

    use Gearman::Client;
    use Storable qw( freeze );
    my $client = Gearman::Client->new;
    my $tasks = $client->new_task_set;
    my $handle = $tasks->add_task(sum => freeze([ 3, 5 ]), {
        on_complete => sub { print ${ $_[0] }, "\n" }

See the L<Gearman::Worker> documentation for the worker for the I<sum>

=head1 NOTE

If you intend using UTF-8 data with SSL based connection,
beware there is no UTF-8 support in underlying L<Net::SSLeay>.
L<perlunicode/"Forcing-Unicode-in-Perl-(Or-Unforcing-Unicode-in-Perl)"> describes proper workarounds.


use base 'Gearman::Objects';

use fields (
    'sock_info',    # hostport -> hashref
    'hooks',        # hookname -> coderef

    # maximum time a gearman command should take to get a result (not a job timeout)

use Carp;
use Gearman::Task;
use Gearman::Taskset;
use Gearman::JobStatus;
use Time::HiRes;

sub new {
    my ($self, %opts) = @_;
    unless (ref $self) {
        $self = fields::new($self);


    $self->{hooks}           = {};
    $self->{exceptions}      = 0;
    $self->{backoff_max}     = 90;
    $self->{command_timeout} = 30;

    $self->{exceptions} = delete $opts{exceptions}
        if exists $opts{exceptions};

    $self->{backoff_max} = $opts{backoff_max}
        if defined $opts{backoff_max};

    $self->{command_timeout} = $opts{command_timeout}
        if defined $opts{command_timeout};

    return $self;
} ## end sub new

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new_task_set()

Creates and returns a new L<Gearman::Taskset> object.


sub new_task_set {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $taskset = Gearman::Taskset->new($self);
    $self->run_hook('new_task_set', $self, $taskset);
    return $taskset;
} ## end sub new_task_set

# _job_server_status_command($command, $each_line_sub)
# $command e.g. "status\n".
# $each_line_sub A sub to be called on each line of response;
#                takes $hostport and the $line as args.
sub _job_server_status_command {
    my ($self, $command, $each_line_sub) = (shift, shift, shift);

    my $list
        = scalar(@_)
        ? $self->canonicalize_job_servers(@_)
        : $self->job_servers();
    my %js_map = map { $self->_js_str($_) => 1 } $self->job_servers();

    foreach my $js (@{$list}) {
        defined($js_map{ $self->_js_str($js) }) || next;

        my $sock = $self->_get_js_sock($js)
            or next;

        my $rv = $sock->write($command);

        my $err;
        my @lines = Gearman::Util::read_text_status($sock, \$err);
        if ($err) {

            $self->debug() && warn $err;

        foreach my $l (@lines) {
            $each_line_sub->($js, $l);

        $self->_sock_cache($js, $sock);
    } ## end foreach my $js (@{$list})
} ## end sub _job_server_status_command

=head2 get_job_server_status()

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