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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

  ! fixed problem with XMLRPC and nested packages with more than two
    levels (thanks to Leonid Gernovski)
  ! fixed (again) memory leak in SOAP::Parser (thanks to Craig
  + updated Jabber interface for new format of 'use Net::Jabber ...'
    does not work with Net::Jabber 1.022 and later
  + updated XMLRPC::Lite to not detect value as float for 'NaN' and
    'INF' strings
  + updated XMLRPC::Lite to return 200OK on errors
  + updated XMLRPC do not specify charset in content-type
  + updated Makefile.PL to allow configuration from command line
    (thanks to Dana Powers)
  + updated publishing API tests for UDDI server to call a new server
  + changed close() to shutdown() in Daemon transport (thanks to Sean
  + added support for HTTP_proxy and HTTP_proxy_* in WSDL access
    (thanks to Stephen Shortland)
  + added XMLRPC support in COM interface. XMLRPC client and server
    can be created using COM interface

Debian_CPANTS.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

"libhttp-request-ascgi-perl", "HTTP-Request-AsCGI", "1.2", "0", "0"
"libhttp-request-params-perl", "HTTP-Request-Params", "1.01", "0", "0"
"libhttp-response-encoding-perl", "HTTP-Response-Encoding", "0.05", "0", "0"
"libhttp-server-simple-mason-perl", "HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason", "0.14", "0", "1"
"libhttp-server-simple-perl", "HTTP-Server-Simple", "0.44", "1", "1"
"libhttp-server-simple-psgi-perl", "HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI", "0.14", "0", "0"
"libhttp-server-simple-recorder-perl", "HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder", "0.03", "0", "0"
"libhttp-server-simple-static-perl", "HTTP-Server-Simple-Static", "0.07", "0", "0"
"libhttp-tiny-perl", "HTTP-Tiny", "0.012", "0", "1"
"libi18n-acceptlanguage-perl", "I18N-AcceptLanguage", "1.04", "0", "0"
"libi18n-charset-perl", "I18N-Charset", "1.396", "0", "1"
"libical-parser-perl", "iCal-Parser", "1.16", "0", "0"
"libima-dbi-contextual-perl", "Ima-DBI-Contextual", "0.006", "0", "0"
"libima-dbi-perl", "Ima-DBI", "0.35", "0", "1"
"libimage-exif-perl", "Image-EXIF", "1.00.3", "1", "3"
"libimage-librsvg-perl", "Image-LibRSVG", "0.07", "0", "1"
"libimage-math-constrain-perl", "Image-Math-Constrain", "1.02", "0", "0"
"libimage-seek-perl", "Image-Seek", "0.02", "0", "0"
"libimage-size-perl", "Image-Size", "3.230", "0", "2"
"libimager-perl", "Imager", "0.82", "0", "1"
"libimap-admin-perl", "IMAP-Admin", "1.6.6", "0", "1"

README  view on Meta::CPAN

  SOAP::Lite client with a .NET server
    If experiencing problems when using a SOAP::Lite client to call a .NET
    Web service, it is recommended you check, or adhere to all of the
    following recommendations:

    Declare a proper soapAction in your call
        For example, use "on_action( sub {
        ''; } )".

    Disable charset definition in Content-type header
        Some users have said that Microsoft .NET prefers the value of the
        Content-type header to be a mimetype exclusively, but SOAP::Lite
        specifies a character set in addition to the mimetype. This results
        in an error similar to:

          Server found request content type to be 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
          but expected 'text/xml'

        To turn off this behavior specify use the following code:

          use SOAP::Lite;
          $SOAP::Constants::DO_NOT_USE_CHARSET = 1;
          # The rest of your code

    Use fully qualified name for method parameters
        For example, the following code is preferred:

examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

#!perl -w

# -- SOAP::Lite -- -- Copyright (C) 2001 Paul Kulchenko --

# example for Microsoft's TerraServer
# thanks to Ivan R. Judson <> for his help

use SOAP::Lite;

# terraserver doesn't like charset in content-type
$SOAP::Constants::DO_NOT_USE_CHARSET = 1;

my $terra = SOAP::Lite
  ->on_action(sub { join '/', '', $_[1] })

my $response = $terra->GetTheme(SOAP::Data->name(theme => 'Photo'));

lib/SOAP/  view on Meta::CPAN

service, it is recommended you check, or adhere to all of the following

=over 4

=item Declare a proper soapAction in your call

For example, use
C<on_action( sub { ''; } )>.

=item Disable charset definition in Content-type header

Some users have said that Microsoft .NET prefers the value of
the Content-type header to be a mimetype exclusively, but SOAP::Lite specifies
a character set in addition to the mimetype. This results in an error similar

  Server found request content type to be 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
  but expected 'text/xml'

To turn off this behavior specify use the following code:

  use SOAP::Lite;
  $SOAP::Constants::DO_NOT_USE_CHARSET = 1;
  # The rest of your code

=item Use fully qualified name for method parameters

lib/SOAP/Transport/  view on Meta::CPAN

              if $compressed;

            if ( !$http_request->content_type ) {
                    join '; ',
                    !$SOAP::Constants::DO_NOT_USE_CHARSET && $encoding
                    ? 'charset=' . lc($encoding)
                    : () );
            elsif ( !$SOAP::Constants::DO_NOT_USE_CHARSET && $encoding ) {
                my $tmpType = $http_request->headers->header('Content-type');

                # $http_request->content_type($tmpType.'; charset=' . lc($encoding));
                my $addition = '; charset=' . lc($encoding);
                $http_request->content_type( $tmpType . $addition )
                  if ( $tmpType !~ /$addition/ );

            $http_request->content_length($bytelength) unless $compressed;

            $self->SUPER::env_proxy if $ENV{'HTTP_proxy'};

t/04-attach-cid-encoded.t  view on Meta::CPAN


  print "Attachment deserialization (Content-ID) test(s)...\n";
  $a = $soap->deserializer->deserialize(<<'EOX');
Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary=MIME_boundary; type="text/xml"; start="<>"
Content-Description: This is the optional message description.

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-ID: <>

<?xml version='1.0' ?>

t/38-packager.t  view on Meta::CPAN

ok(ref $mp);

# check attachment deserialization
print "Attachment deserialization (Content-ID) test(s)...\n";
$env = $mp->unpackage(<<'EOX');
Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary=MIME_boundary; type="text/xml"; start="<>"
Content-Description: This is the optional message description.

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-ID: <>

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
    <claim:insurance_claim_auto id="insurance_claim_document_id"
      <theSignedForm href=""/>

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