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    my %opt   = @_;
    my $path  = $opt{socket_path} || die("socket_path => REQUIRED!");
    my $self  = { 
        player      => undef,       # instance of Audio:Play:MPG123
        server      => undef,       # instance of IO::Socket::UNIX
        client      => *STDOUT,     # nice for debugging
        socket_path => $path,
        idle        => undef,       # coderef to execute while idle
        at_exit     => [ ]          # array of coderefs to execute when done
    bless ($self => $class);

    # clean-up handlers
    foreach (@{$self->{at_exit}}) { $self->atExit($_); }

    # server socket 
    $self->{server} = IO::Socket::UNIX->new (
        Type   => SOCK_STREAM,
        Local  => $self->{socket_path},
        Listen => SOMAXCONN,
    ) or die($!);

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