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lib/DR/Tarantool/Iterator.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    $old_iter->sort(sub { $_[0]->name cmp $_[1]->name });
    # $iter1 is sorted, too, but $iter2 is not


sub clone {

    my $self = shift;
    my %opts;
    if (@_ == 1) {
        %opts = (clone_items => shift);
    } else {
        %opts = @_;

    my %pre = (
        data                => $self->data,
        item_class          => $self->item_class,
        item_constructor    => $self->item_constructor

    my $clone_items = delete $opts{clone_items};

    my $items = $clone_items ? [ @{ $self->{items} } ] : $self->{items};
    $self = $self->new( $items, %pre, %opts );

=head2 count

Return the number of tuples available through the iterator.


sub count {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return scalar @{ $self->{items} };

=head2 item

Return one tuple from the iterator by its index 
(or croak an error if the index is out of range).


sub item {
    my ($self, $no) = @_;

    my $item = $self->raw_item( $no );

    if (my $class = $self->item_class) {

        if (my $m = $self->item_constructor) {
            return $class->$m( $item, $no, $self );

        return bless $item => $class if ref $item;
        return bless \$item => $class;

    return $self->{items}[ $no ];

=head2 raw_item

Return one raw tuple from the iterator by its index 
(or croak error if the index is out of range).

In other words, this method ignores B<item_class> and B<item_constructor>.


sub raw_item {
    my ($self, $no) = @_;

    my $exists = $self->exists($no);
    croak "wrong item number format: " . (defined($no) ? $no : 'undef')
        unless defined $exists;
    croak 'wrong item number: ' . $no unless $exists;

    if ($no >= 0) {
        croak "iterator doesn't contain item with number $no"
            unless $no < $self->count;
    } else {
        croak "iterator doesn't contain item with number $no"
            unless $no >= -$self->count;

    return $self->{items}[ $no ];

=head2 raw_sort(&)

Sort the contents referred to by the iterator (changes the current 
iterator object).
The compare function receives two B<raw> objects:

    $iter->raw_sort(sub { $_[0]->field cmp $_[1]->field });


sub raw_sort {
    my ($self, $cb) = @_;
    my $items = $self->{items};
    @$items = sort { &$cb($a, $b) } @$items;
    return $self;

=head2 sort(&)

Sort the contents referred to by the iterator (changes the current object).
The compare function receives two constructed objects:

    $iter->sort(sub { $_[0]->field <=> $_[1]->field });


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