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lib/Archive/  view on Meta::CPAN

package Archive::Merged;
use strict;
use Carp qw(croak);
our $VERSION = '0.03';

=head1 NAME

Archive::Merged - virtually merge two archives


  my $merged = Archive::Merged->new(
      Archive::Tar->new( 'default_theme.tar' ),
      Archive::SevenZip->archiveTarApi( archivename => '' ),
      Archive::Dir->new( 'customized/' ),

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<< Archive::Merged->new >>

  my $merged = Archive::Merged->new(
      Archive::Tar->new( 'default_theme.tar' ),
      Archive::Dir->new( 'customized/' ),

Creates a new archive as the merged view of one or more archives
or directories.


sub new {
    my ($class, @archives) = @_;
    my $self = {
        archives => \@archives,
    bless $self => $class;

=head2 C<< ->directory >>


sub directory {

=head2 C<< ->archives >>

  my @archives = $merged->archives;

Accessor for the archives that represent this archive.


sub archives {
    @{ $_[0]->{archives} }

=head2 C<< ->contains_file >>

  if( $merged->contains_file( $file ) ) {
      print "Yay!"
  } else {
      print "File '$file' not found";

Returns the underlying archive that contains the file. Returns
undef if the file is not found.


sub contains_file {
    my( $self, $file ) = @_;
    for my $ar ($self->archives) {
        if( $ar->contains_file( $file ) ) {
            return $ar

=head2 C<< ->get_content( $file, %options ) >>

  my $content = $merged->get_content( $file, binmode => ':raw' )

Returns the content of the file, potentially with the encoding.


sub get_content {
    my( $self, $file, %options ) = @_;
    my $ar = $self->contains_file( $file );
    $ar->get_content( $file, %options )

=head2 C<< ->list_files( ) >>

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