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bin/cpant  view on Meta::CPAN

        last if $vers[$i+1] < $new_version;
        my $spec_string = "$vers[$i+1]-from-$vers[$i]";
        $converted = _convert( $converted, $down_convert{$spec_string}, $vers[$i+1] );
        my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $converted );
        unless ( $cmv->is_valid ) {
          my $errs = join("\n", $cmv->errors);
          die "Failed to downconvert metadata to $vers[$i+1]. Errors:\n$errs\n";
      return $converted;
    else {
      my @vers = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %known_specs;
      for my $i ( 0 .. $#vers-1 ) {
        next if $vers[$i] < $old_version;
        last if $vers[$i+1] > $new_version;
        my $spec_string = "$vers[$i+1]-from-$vers[$i]";
        $converted = _convert( $converted, $up_convert{$spec_string}, $vers[$i+1] );
        my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $converted );
        unless ( $cmv->is_valid ) {
          my $errs = join("\n", $cmv->errors);
          die "Failed to upconvert metadata to $vers[$i+1]. Errors:\n$errs\n";
      return $converted;

$fatpacked{"CPAN/Meta/"} = <<'CPAN_META_FEATURE';
  use 5.006;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  package CPAN::Meta::Feature;
    $CPAN::Meta::Feature::VERSION = '2.110930';
  # ABSTRACT: an optional feature provided by a CPAN distribution
  use CPAN::Meta::Prereqs;
  sub new {
    my ($class, $identifier, $spec) = @_;
    my %guts = (
      identifier  => $identifier,
      description => $spec->{description},
      prereqs     => CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new($spec->{prereqs}),
    bless \%guts => $class;
  sub identifier  { $_[0]{identifier}  }
  sub description { $_[0]{description} }
  sub prereqs     { $_[0]{prereqs} }

$fatpacked{"CPAN/Meta/"} = <<'CPAN_META_HISTORY';
  # vi:tw=72
  use 5.006;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  package CPAN::Meta::History;
    $CPAN::Meta::History::VERSION = '2.110930';
  # ABSTRACT: history of CPAN Meta Spec changes

$fatpacked{"CPAN/Meta/"} = <<'CPAN_META_PREREQS';
  use 5.006;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  package CPAN::Meta::Prereqs;
    $CPAN::Meta::Prereqs::VERSION = '2.110930';
  # ABSTRACT: a set of distribution prerequisites by phase and type
  use Carp qw(confess);
  use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
  use Version::Requirements 0.101020; # finalize
  sub __legal_phases { qw(configure build test runtime develop)   }
  sub __legal_types  { qw(requires recommends suggests conflicts) }
  # expect a prereq spec from META.json -- rjbs, 2010-04-11
  sub new {
    my ($class, $prereq_spec) = @_;
    $prereq_spec ||= {};
    my %is_legal_phase = map {; $_ => 1 } $class->__legal_phases;
    my %is_legal_type  = map {; $_ => 1 } $class->__legal_types;
    my %guts;
    PHASE: for my $phase (keys %$prereq_spec) {
      next PHASE unless $phase =~ /\Ax_/i or $is_legal_phase{$phase};
      my $phase_spec = $prereq_spec->{ $phase };
      next PHASE unless keys %$phase_spec;
      TYPE: for my $type (keys %$phase_spec) {
        next TYPE unless $type =~ /\Ax_/i or $is_legal_type{$type};
        my $spec = $phase_spec->{ $type };
        next TYPE unless keys %$spec;
        $guts{prereqs}{$phase}{$type} = Version::Requirements->from_string_hash(
    return bless \%guts => $class;
  sub requirements_for {
    my ($self, $phase, $type) = @_;
    confess "requirements_for called without phase" unless defined $phase;
    confess "requirements_for called without type"  unless defined $type;
    unless ($phase =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $phase eq $_ } $self->__legal_phases) {
      confess "requested requirements for unknown phase: $phase";
    unless ($type =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $type eq $_ } $self->__legal_types) {
      confess "requested requirements for unknown type: $type";
    my $req = ($self->{prereqs}{$phase}{$type} ||= Version::Requirements->new);
    $req->finalize if $self->is_finalized;
    return $req;
  sub with_merged_prereqs {
    my ($self, $other) = @_;
    my @other = blessed($other) ? $other : @$other;
    my @prereq_objs = ($self, @other);
    my %new_arg;
    for my $phase ($self->__legal_phases) {
      for my $type ($self->__legal_types) {
        my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
        for my $prereq (@prereq_objs) {
          my $this_req = $prereq->requirements_for($phase, $type);
          next unless $this_req->required_modules;
        next unless $req->required_modules;
        $new_arg{ $phase }{ $type } = $req->as_string_hash;
    return (ref $self)->new(\%new_arg);
  sub as_string_hash {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %hash;

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( run in 0.504 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-1925d2aa809 )