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local/lib/perl5/Log/Dispatch/Array.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
package Log::Dispatch::Array 1.005;
use parent qw(Log::Dispatch::Output);
# ABSTRACT: log events to an array (reference)

#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod   use Log::Dispatch;
#pod   use Log::Dispatch::Array;
#pod   my $log = Log::Dispatch->new;
#pod   my $target = [];
#pod   $log->add(Log::Dispatch::Array->new(
#pod     name      => 'text_table',
#pod     min_level => 'debug',
#pod     array     => $target,
#pod   ));
#pod   $log->warn($_) for @events;
#pod   # now $target refers to an array of events
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod This provides a Log::Dispatch log output system that appends logged events to
#pod an array reference.  This is probably only useful for testing the logging of
#pod your code.
#pod =method new
#pod  my $table_log = Log::Dispatch::Array->new(\%arg);
#pod This method constructs a new Log::Dispatch::Array output object.  Valid
#pod arguments are:
#pod   array - a reference to an array to append to; defaults to an attr on
#pod           $table_log
#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class, %arg) = @_;
  $arg{array} ||= [];

  my $self = { array => $arg{array} };

  bless $self => $class;

  # this is our duty as a well-behaved Log::Dispatch plugin

  return $self;

#pod =method array
#pod This method returns a reference to the array to which logging is being
#pod performed.
#pod =cut

sub array { $_[0]->{array} }

#pod =method log_message
#pod This is the method which performs the actual logging, as detailed by
#pod Log::Dispatch::Output.
#pod =cut

sub log_message {
  my ($self, %p) = @_;
  push @{ $self->array }, { %p };




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=head1 NAME

Log::Dispatch::Array - log events to an array (reference)

=head1 VERSION

version 1.005


  use Log::Dispatch;
  use Log::Dispatch::Array;

  my $log = Log::Dispatch->new;

  my $target = [];

    name      => 'text_table',
    min_level => 'debug',
    array     => $target,

  $log->warn($_) for @events;

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