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local/lib/perl5/Config/INI/Writer.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

  return $value;

#pod =head2 stringify_section_header
#pod   my $string = $writer->stringify_section_header($section_name);
#pod This method returns the string (a line) that represents the given section name.
#pod Basically, this returns:
#pod   [section_name]
#pod =cut

sub stringify_section_header {
  my ($self, $section_name) = @_;

  my $output  = '';
     $output .= "\n" if $self->done_sections;
     $output .= "[$section_name]\n";

  return $output;

#pod =head2 starting_section
#pod This method returns the name of the starting section.  If this section appears
#pod first (as it will, when given a hashref as input) and if
#pod C<L</explicit_starting_header>> returns false, its section header can be
#pod omitted.
#pod =cut

sub starting_section { return '_' }

#pod =head2 explicit_starting_header
#pod If this method returns true (which it does I<not>, by default), then the
#pod section header for the starting section will be emitted, even if it appears
#pod first.
#pod =cut

sub explicit_starting_header { 0 }

#pod =head2 new
#pod   my $reader = Config::INI::Writer->new;
#pod This method returns a new writer.  This generally does not need to be called by
#pod anything but the various C<write_*> methods, which create a writer object only
#pod ephemerally.
#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class) = @_;

  my $self = bless { did_section => {} } => $class;

  return $self;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Config::INI::Writer - a subclassable .ini-file emitter

=head1 VERSION

version 0.029


If C<$hash> contains:

    '_'  => { admin => 'rjbs' },
    rjbs => {
      awesome => 'yes',
      height  => q{5' 10"},
    mj   => {
      awesome => 'totally',
      height  => '23"',

Then when your program contains:

  Config::INI::Writer->write_file($hash, 'family.ini');

F<family.ini> will contains:

  admin = rjbs

  awesome = yes
  height = 5' 10"

  awesome = totally
  height = 23"


Config::INI::Writer is I<yet another> config module implementing I<yet another>
slightly different take on the undeniably easy to read L<".ini" file
format|Config::INI>.  Its default behavior is quite similar to that of
L<Config::Tiny>, on which it is based.

The chief difference is that Config::INI::Writer is designed to be subclassed

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