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lib/ZMachine/  view on Meta::CPAN

  $guts->{zscii_for} = { };
  for my $zscii_char (sort keys %{ $guts->{zscii} }) {
    my $unicode_char = $guts->{zscii}{$zscii_char};

    Carp::confess("tried to add ambiguous U->Z mapping")
      if exists $guts->{zscii_for}{ $unicode_char };

    $guts->{zscii_for}{ $unicode_char } = $zscii_char;

  my $self = bless $guts => $class;

  # The default alphabet is entirely made up of characters that are the same in
  # Unicode and ZSCII.  If a user wants to put "extra characters" into the
  # alphabet table, though, the alphabet should contain ZSCII values.  When
  # we're building a ZMachine::ZSCII using the contents of the story file's
  # alphabet table, that's easy.  If we're building a codec to *produce* a
  # story file, it's less trivial, because we don't want to think about the
  # specific ZSCII codepoints for the Unicode text we'll encode.
  # We provide alphabet_is_unicode to let the user say "my alphabet is supplied

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( run in 1.352 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-cec75d87357c )