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lib/XS/Framework/Manual/SVAPI/Stash.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

    Stash(__PACKAGE__, GV_ADD).mark_as_loaded(__MODULE__);

The typical sympthom to use C<mark_as_loaded> is the following error:

    Can't locate MyModule/MyClass.pm in @INC

=head2 inherit()

    void inherit        (const Stash& parent)
    void inherit        (const panda::string_view& parent)

Links the current symbol table as the descendant class for C<parent> C<Stash>.
In other words, it the following construct:

    Stash child("MyPackage::Child"); // or, better Stash(__PACKAGE__, GV_ADD)
    Stash base("MyPackage::Base");

is equivalent to perl code:

    package MyPackage::Child;
    use parent qw/MyPackage::Base/;

If the C<parent> package is defined as C<string_view>, it will be automatically
added to Perl via C<GV_ADD>.

The C<inherit> is NULL-safe method; the exception will be thrown if it is
invoked on empty C<Stash>.

=head2 isa()

    bool isa (const panda::string_view& parent, U32 hash = 0, int flags = 0) const
    bool isa (HEK* hek)            const
    bool isa (const Stash& parent) const

The C<isa> method returns C<true> if the current C<Stash> exactly matches C<parent>
C<Stash> or if the current C<Stash> is child class for the C<parent> C<Stash>.
The similar code in Perl is


Under the hood the method uses C<hv_common> function (see C<perlapi>).

=head2 bless()

    Object bless () const;

This method creates new C<Object>, which is blessed into to the current package

    Object bless (const Sv& what) const;

This C<bless> method version works somewhat similiar to the following Perl

    my $class = ...;
    my $obj = ...;
    return bless $obj => $class;

i.e. if C<what> is already an object, it is blessed into the C<Stash>,
otherwise new C<RV*> created from the C<what> argument, and the
blessed object returned.

=head2 add_const_sub()

    void add_const_sub (const panda::string_view& name, const Sv& val);
Creates subroutine C<name> that returns constant C<val> eligible for compile-time inlining (like newCONSTSUB). C<val> is retained and made readonly.

C<val> can be either any C<Scalar> or <Array>. In latter case, const sub will return list containing array's values.

=head1 SEE ALSO






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