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lib/WSDL/  view on Meta::CPAN

=head1 NAME

WSDL::Generator - Generate wsdl file automagically


  use WSDL::Generator;
  my $wsdl = WSDL::Generator->new($init);
  print $wsdl->get('Foo');


You know folks out there who use another language than Perl (huh?) and you want to release a SOAP server for them

  1/ that's very kind of you
  2/ you need to generate a wsdl file
  3/ this module can help
Because Perl is dynamically typed, it is a fantastic language to write SOAP clients,
but that makes perl not-so-easy to use as SOAP server queried by statically typed languages
such as Delphi, Java, C++, VB...
These languages need a WSDL file to communicate with your server.
The WSDL file contains all the data structure definition necessary to interact with the server.
It contains also the namespace and URL as well.

package WSDL::Generator;

use strict;
use warnings::register;
use Carp;
use Class::Hook;
use WSDL::Generator::Schema;
use WSDL::Generator::Binding;
use base    qw(WSDL::Generator::Base);
use 5.6.0;

our $VERSION = '0.04';



=head2 new($init)

  $init = {   'schema_namesp' => '',
              'services'      => 'AcmeTravel',
              'service_name'  => 'BookFlight',
              'target_namesp' => '',
              'documentation' => 'Service to book tickets online',
              'location'      => '' };
Install a spy which captures all the methods and subs calls to other classes

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $param = shift || {};
    my $self = { calls   => {},
                 %$param };
    bless $self => $class;
    Class::Hook->before(\&_before, $self);
    Class::Hook->after(\&_after, $self);
    return $self;


=head1 METHODS

=head2 get($class)

Returns the WSDL code for a specific class

sub get : method {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $class = shift;
    unless (exists $self->{calls}{$class} and $self->{calls}{$class}) {
        carp "Class $class not called";
        return undef;
    my $schema  = WSDL::Generator::Schema->new( $self->{schema_namesp} );
    my $binding = WSDL::Generator::Binding->new( { service_name => $self->{service_name},
                                                   services     => $self->{services} } );
    foreach my $method ( keys %{$self->{calls}{$class}} ) {
        my $before = $self->{calls}{$class}->{$method}->{before};
        my $after  = $self->{calls}{$class}->{$method}->{after};
        $schema->add($before, $method.'Request');
        $schema->add($after, $method.'Response');
    $self->{schema}      = $schema->get;
    $self->{message}     = $binding->get_message;
    $self->{porttype}    = $binding->get_porttype;
    $self->{binding}     = $binding->get_binding;
    $self->{service}     = $self->get_wsdl_element( { wsdl_type => 'SERVICE',
                                             } );
    $self->{definitions} = $self->get_wsdl_element( { wsdl_type => 'DEFINITIONS',
                                             } );
    my $wsdl = $self->get_wsdl_element( { wsdl_type => 'WSDL',
                                            } );
    return $wsdl->to_string;


=head2 get_all()

Returns all classes available for a WSDL generation

sub get_all : method {
    my $self = shift;

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