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t/01-scalars.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    plan tests => 5;

    my $untainted   = 42;
    ok !_::is_tainted $untainted, "untainted variable is untainted";
    ok !_::is_tainted, "untainted implicit variable is untainted";

        \my @tainted_env_keys,
        \my @untainted_env_keys,

    ok 0+@tainted_env_keys, "environment variables are tainted"
        or do {
            diag("Tainted   ENV variables: [@tainted_env_keys]");
            diag("Untainted ENV variables: [@untainted_env_keys]");

    my ($taint_key) = @tainted_env_keys;
    my $tainted     = $ENV{$taint_key};

    ok _::is_tainted $tainted, "tainted variable is tainted";
    ok _::is_tainted, "tainted implicit variable is tainted" for $tainted;

subtest '_::alias' => sub {
    ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval)
    if (not eval q{ require Data::Alias; 1 }) {
        plan skip_all => q(Data::Alias not installed);

    # In case Data::Alias doesn't exist, the below calls to _::alias will fail
    # to compile. Therefore, optionally inject this stand-in.
    BEGIN {
        *_::alias = sub { die "_::alias not available" } if not *_::alias{CODE};

    plan tests => 4;

    my $orig = 42;
    _::alias my $alias = $orig;
    my $copy = $orig;

    is $alias, $orig, "positive alias value comparison";
    is $copy,  $orig, "positive copy value comparison";
    is \$alias,  \$orig, "positive alias reference comparison";
    isnt \$copy, \$orig, "negative copy reference comparison";


    package Local::Stringy;

    use overload '""' => sub {
        my ($self) = @_;
        return $$self;

    sub new {
        my ($class, $val) = @_;
        return bless \$val => $class;

my $stringy = Local::Stringy->new("foo");

subtest '_::is_plain' => sub {
    plan tests => 7;
    ok _::is_plain 42,    "positive number";
    ok _::is_plain "foo", "positive string";
    ok !_::is_plain [], "negative ref";
    ok !_::is_plain undef, "negative undef";
    ok !_::is_plain $stringy, "negative stringy object";
    ok _::is_plain,  "positive implicit argument" for "foo";
    ok !_::is_plain, "negative implicit argument" for undef;

subtest '_::is_string' => sub {
    plan tests => 7;
    ok _::is_string 42,    "positive number";
    ok _::is_string "foo", "positive string";
    ok !_::is_string [], "negative ref";
    ok !_::is_string undef, "negative undef";
    ok _::is_string $stringy, "positive stringy object";
    ok _::is_string,  "positive implicit argument" for "foo";
    ok !_::is_string, "negative implicit argument" for undef;


    package Local::IsBool;
    use overload bool => sub { 1 };


    package Local::IsString;
    use overload q[""] => sub { "foo" };

    # While a "bool" method is autogenerated, this doesn't show the intent
    # to overload "bool". Therefore, a Local::IsString instance won't be
    # considered to be a boolean by "_::is_bool".
    # Also, overload::Method doesn't return autogenerated methods.


    package Local::OrdinaryObject;

subtest '_::is_bool' => sub {
    plan tests => 10;
    ok _::is_bool undef, "positive undef";
    ok _::is_bool 1,     "positive number 1";
    ok _::is_bool 0,     "positive number 0";
    ok _::is_bool "foo", "positive string";
    ok !_::is_bool [], "negative reference";

    my $booly   = bless [] => 'Local::IsBool';
    my $stringy = bless [] => 'Local::IsString';

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