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lib/Ubic.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

use IO::Handle;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use Try::Tiny;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Params::Validate qw(:all);

use Ubic::Result qw(result);
use Ubic::Multiservice::Dir;
use Ubic::AccessGuard;
use Ubic::Credentials;
use Ubic::Persistent;
use Ubic::AtomicFile;
use Ubic::SingletonLock;
use Ubic::Settings;


my $service_name_re = qr{^[\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*$};
my $validate_service = { type => SCALAR, regex => $service_name_re };

# singleton constructor
sub _obj {
    my ($param) = validate_pos(@_, 1);
    if (blessed($param)) {
        return $param;
    if ($param eq 'Ubic') {
        # method called as a class method => singleton
        $SINGLETON ||= Ubic->new({});
        return $SINGLETON;
    die "Unknown argument '$param'";

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $options = validate(@_, {
        service_dir =>  { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
        data_dir => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },

    if (caller ne 'Ubic') {
        warn "Using Ubic->new constructor is discouraged. Just call methods as class methods.";

    for my $key (qw/ service_dir data_dir /) {
        Ubic::Settings->$key($options->{ $key }) if defined $options->{$key};


    my $self = {};
    $self->{data_dir} = Ubic::Settings->data_dir;
    $self->{service_dir} = Ubic::Settings->service_dir;

    $self->{status_dir} = "$self->{data_dir}/status";
    $self->{lock_dir} = "$self->{data_dir}/lock";
    $self->{tmp_dir} = "$self->{data_dir}/tmp";

    $self->{service_cache} = {};
    return bless $self => $class;

sub start($$) {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my ($name) = validate_pos(@_, $validate_service);
    my $lock = $self->lock($name);

    my $result = $self->do_cmd($name, 'start');
    $self->set_cached_status($name, $result);
    return $result;

sub stop($$) {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my ($name) = validate_pos(@_, $validate_service);
    my $lock = $self->lock($name);


    # FIXME - 'stop' command can fail, in this case daemon will keep running.
    # This is bad.
    # We probably need to implement the same logic as when starting:
    # retry stop attempts until actual status matches desired status.
    my $result = $self->do_cmd($name, 'stop');
    return $result;

sub restart($$) {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my ($name) = validate_pos(@_, $validate_service);
    my $lock = $self->lock($name);

    my $result = $self->do_cmd($name, 'stop');
    $result = $self->do_cmd($name, 'start');

    $self->set_cached_status($name, $result);
    return result('restarted'); # FIXME - should return original status

sub try_restart($$) {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my ($name) = validate_pos(@_, $validate_service);
    my $lock = $self->lock($name);

    unless ($self->is_enabled($name)) {
        return result('down');
    $self->do_cmd($name, 'stop');
    $self->do_cmd($name, 'start');
    return result('restarted');

sub reload($$) {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my ($name) = validate_pos(@_, $validate_service);
    my $lock = $self->lock($name);

    unless ($self->is_enabled($name)) {

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