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lib/Text/CSV/Simple.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

and ninth entries for each line)

=head2 field_map

	$parser->field_map(qw/id name null town null postcode/);

Rather than getting back a listref for each entry in your CSV file, you
often want a hash of data with meaningful names. If you set up a field_map
giving the name you'd like for each field, then we do the right thing
for you! Fields named 'null' vanish into the ether.


To enable you to make this module do things that I haven't dreamed off
(without you having to bother me with requests to extend the
functionality), we use Class::Trigger to provide a variety of points at
which you can hook in and do what you need. In general these should be
attached to the $parser object you've already created, although you
could also subclass this module and set these up as class data.

Each time we call a trigger we wrap it in an eval block. If the eval
block catches an error we simply call 'next' on the loop. These can
therefore be used for short-circuiting.on certain conditions.

=head2 before_parse

  $parser->add_trigger(before_parse => sub {
    my ($self, $line) = @_;
    die unless $line =~ /wanted/i;

Before we call Text::CSV_XS 'parse' on each line of input text, we call
the before_parse trigger with that line of text.

=head2 after_parse

  $parser->add_trigger(after_parse => sub {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    die unless $wanted{$data->[0]};

After we sucessfully call Text::CSV_XS 'parse' on each line of input text,
we call the after_parse trigger with a list ref of the values 

=head2 error

Currenly, for each line that we can't parse, we call the 'failure'
trigger (with the Text::CSV_XS parser object), which emits a warning
and moves on. This happens in an invisible superclass, so you can supply
your own behaviour here:

	$parser->add_trigger(on_failure => sub { 
		my ($self, $csv) = @_;
		warn "Failed on " . $csv->error_input . "\n";


sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	return bless { _parser => Text::CSV_XS->new(@_), } => $class;

sub _parser { shift->{_parser} }

sub _file {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{_file} = shift if @_;
	return $self->{_file};

sub _contents {
	my $self  = shift;
	my @lines = File::Slurp::read_file($self->_file)
		or die "Can't read " . $self->_file;
	return @lines;

sub want_fields {
	my $self = shift;
	if (@_) {
		$self->{_wanted} = [@_];
	return @{ $self->{_wanted} || [] };

sub field_map {
	my $self = shift;
	if (@_) {
		$self->{_map} = [@_];
	return @{ $self->{_map} || [] };

sub read_file {
	my ($self, $file) = @_;
	my @lines = $self->_contents;
	my @return;
	my $csv = $self->_parser;
	foreach my $line (@lines) {
		eval { $self->call_trigger(before_parse => $line) };
		next if $@;
		next unless $line;
		unless ($csv->parse($line)) {
			$self->call_trigger(on_failure => $csv);
		my @fields = $csv->fields;
		eval { $self->call_trigger(after_parse => \@fields) };
		next if $@;
		if (my @wanted = $self->want_fields) {
			@fields = @fields[ $self->want_fields ];
		my $addition = [ @fields ];
		if (my @map = $self->field_map) {
			my $hash = { map { $_ => shift @fields } @map };
			delete $hash->{null};
			$addition = $hash;
		eval { $self->call_trigger(after_processing => $addition) };

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