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lib/String/Interpolate/  view on Meta::CPAN

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

package String::Interpolate::Delayed;

our $AUTHORITY = "cpan:TOBYINK";
our $VERSION   = "0.002";

our $WORKAROUND = 1;

use overload q[""] => "interpolated", fallback => 1;

use PadWalker ();
use PerlX::QuoteOperator ();
use String::Interpolate ();
use UNIVERSAL::ref;

sub import
	my $class = shift;
	my ($name) = @_;
	my $code = sub ($) {
		my $text = shift;
		bless \$text;
		$name || "delayed",
		{ -emulate => 'q', -with => $code },
		scalar caller,

sub new
	my $class = shift;
	my ($text) = @_;
	bless \$text => $class;

sub uninterpolated
	my $self = shift;
	return $$self;

sub _clean
	my ($refs) = @_;
	+{ map {; substr($_, 1) => $refs->{$_} } keys %$refs };

sub interpolated
	my $self = shift;
	my $stri = "String::Interpolate"->new;
		# Workaround for bug in the ->pragma() accessor...
		$$stri->{pragmas} = 'import strict "vars";';
	else {
		$$stri->pragma('import strict "vars";');
		_clean(PadWalker::peek_our 1),
		_clean(PadWalker::peek_my 1),
		grep(ref($_) eq 'HASH', @_),
	return $stri->exec($$self);

sub ref
	return undef;

1 && __PACKAGE__

=head1 NAME

String::Interpolate::Delayed - delay string interpolation until you really want it


   use strict;
   use warnings;
   use String::Interpolate::Delayed;
   my $str   = delayed "$role of the $thing";
   my $role  = "Lord";
   my $thing = [qw( Rings Flies Dance )]->[rand 3];
   print "$str\n";

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