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lib/Statistics/  view on Meta::CPAN

		'save-to-db' => 1,
		'debug' => 0,
		# internal variables,
		'p' => {
			'provider-objs' => undef,
			'config-hash' => undef,
			'datum-io' => undef,
			'db-version' => undef,
	bless $self => $class;

	if( exists $params->{'debug'} ){ $self->debug($params->{'debug'}) }
	my $debug = $self->debug();
	if( exists $params->{'save-to-file'} ){ $self->save_to_file($params->{'save-to-file'}) }
	if( exists $params->{'save-to-db'} ){ $self->save_to_db($params->{'save-to-db'}) }

	my $m;
	my $config_hash = undef;
	if( exists($params->{'config-file'}) && defined($m=$params->{'config-file'}) ){
		$config_hash = Statistics::Covid::Utils::configfile2perl($m);

lib/Statistics/Covid/DataProvider/  view on Meta::CPAN

	my $self = {
		# urls is a hash keyed on url, value is optional headers as arrayref
		'urls' => undef,
		'name' => undef, # this is the name for each provider, e.g. JHU or BBC
		'fileparams' => {
			# where downloaded data files go
			'datafiles-dir' => undef,
		'debug' => 0,
	bless $self => $class;
	for my $k (keys %$params){
		$self->{$k} = $params->{$k} if exists $self->{$k}

	# we accept config-file or config-hash, see t/example-config.json for an example
	if( exists $params->{'config-file'} ){ if( ! $self->config_file($params->{'config-file'}) ){ warn "error, call to config_file() has failed."; return undef } }
	elsif( exists $params->{'config-hash'} ){ if( ! $self->config_hash($params->{'config-hash'}) ){ warn "error, call to config_hash() has failed."; return undef } }

	# you need to call init() from subclasses after new() and set
	# params

lib/Statistics/Covid/IO/  view on Meta::CPAN

		# e.g. Statistics::Covid::Datum
		'dual-package-name' => undef,
		# some 'our' vars in the dual package which should be already defined in here
		# e.g. the tablename, db spec, etc.
		'dual-package-vars' => undef,
		# a hash with our configuration as read from file or set via the config* subs
		# this reflects exactly the configuration json file (e.g. t/example-config.json)
		# with 'dbparams' as subhash
		'config-hash' => undef,
	bless $self => $class;

	# we accept a debug level parameter>=0
	if( exists $params->{'debug'} ){ $self->debug($params->{'debug'}) }

	if( ! defined $schema_package_name ){ warn "error, you need to specify a schema package name as a string, like 'Statistics::Covid::Schema'."; return undef }
	$self->{'schema-package-name'} = $schema_package_name;
	if( ! defined $dual_package_name ){ warn "error, you need to specify a dual-object package name as a string, like 'Statistics::Covid::Datum'."; return undef }
	$self->{'dual-package-name'} = $dual_package_name;
	if( $self->debug() > 0 ){ warn "creating an IO object for inserting objects of type '$dual_package_name' into DB." }

lib/Statistics/Covid/IO/  view on Meta::CPAN

#					# ... add more fields
#				}, # end schema
#				'column-names-for-primary-key' => undef, # [qw/one or more keys from 'schema' to act as PK/]
#				'column-names' => undef, # will be created later by init as an arrayref
#				'num-columns' => -1, # later by init
#			}, # end db-specific fields
			'debug' => 0,
	bless $self => $class;

	my $c = $self->{'c'}; # content fields as they go to DB
	my $p = $self->{'p'}; # private fields
	my $d = $p->{'db-specific'};
	my $s = $d->{'schema'};

	# do some sanity checks first
	if( !exists($d->{'tablename'}) || !defined($d->{'tablename'}) ){ warn "error, 'tablename' was not specified in the dbschema parameter."; return undef }
	if( !exists($d->{'schema'}) || !defined($d->{'schema'}) ){ warn "error, 'schema' was not specified in the dbschema parameter."; return undef }
	if( !exists($d->{'column-names-for-primary-key'}) || !defined($d->{'column-names-for-primary-key'}) ){ warn "error, 'column-names-for-primary-key' was not specified in the dbschema parameter."; return undef }

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