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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 9;

    use_ok 'SVN::Notify::Filter::Markdown' or die;

my @log = <DATA>;

isa_ok my $n = SVN::Notify->new(
    to         => '',
    repos_path => '/foo/bar',
    revision   => 42,
    handler    => 'HTML',
    filters    => [ 'Markdown' ],
    smtp       => 'localhost',
), 'SVN::Notify::HTML', 'Create HTML notifier';

ok $n->message( [ @log ] ), 'Add our custom log message';
tie local(*FH), 'My::FH', \my $buf;
ok $n->output_log_message( *FH ), 'Output the log message';
like $buf, qr{<h1>Heading 1</h1>}, 'Check that the message is HTML';

# Now try non-HTML.
isa_ok $n = SVN::Notify->new(
    to         => '',
    repos_path => '/foo/bar',
    revision   => 42,
    filters    => [ 'Markdown' ],
    smtp       => 'localhost',
), 'SVN::Notify', 'Create non-HTML notifier';

ok $n->message( [ @log ] ), 'Add our custom log message';
tie local(*FH), 'My::FH', \my $out;
ok $n->output_log_message( *FH ), 'Output the log message';
like $out, qr{# Heading 1}, 'Check that the message is not HTML';

# A simple File handle that just stores data in a scalar.
FH: {
    package My::FH;

    sub TIEHANDLE {
        my ($class, $buf) = @_;
        bless { buf => $buf } => $class;

    sub PRINT {
        ${ shift->{buf} } .= join '', @_;

# The log message: a full Markdown example.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3 ###

Other type of heading (level 2)

And another one (level 1)

A paragraph, of *text*. 

  * UL item 1
  * UL item 2

Another paragraph \*Not bold text*.
  1. OL, item 1
  2. OL, item 2

A third paragraph

  * Second list, item 1
     * Sub list item 1
     * Sub list item 2
  * Second list, item 2

Within a paragraph `code block`, followed by one which needs ``extra escapeing` `` &copy; t0m.
& note **ampersands** and > or < _are_ escaped __properly__ in output

[testlink]: "Test dot Com website"


This paragraph has [a link] [testlink] and [another link] [testlink2].. This is [an example]( "Title") inline link.


Or, we could use <>. Or shortcut links like this: [Google][]

> block quoted text
> in multiple paragraphs
> and across multiple lines
> > and at
>> multiple levels.

    This is a code block here...

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( run in 1.007 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-9f2165ba459b )