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0.19 2006-08-20

    [New Policies]
    * BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringySplit
    * ControlStructures::ProhibitDeepNests
    * RegularExpressions::ProhibitCaptureWithoutTest
    * Variables::RequireLexicalLoopIterator

    [New Features]
    * "perlcritic -quiet" suppresses the "source OK" message.
    * Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars is now configurable.

    [Bug Fixes]
    * 20965: "Hard tabs used at" shouldn't check __DATA__
    * 21070: ProhibitNoisyQuotes hates overload
    * Punctuation variables are now exempt from ProhibitLocalVars

    [Other Stuff]
    * Test coverage is now over 95%

0.18_01 2006-08-06

    [New Policies]
    * Variables::RequireNegativeIndices
    * InputOutput::ProhibitInteractiveTest
    * ErrorHandling::RequireCarping

    [Bug Fixes]
    * RequireTidyCode tests fail if user has custom .perltidyrc file
    * 20612: RequirePerlTidy was ignoring HEREDOCs
    * 20659: __END__ statement considered "unreachable"
    * Fix for PPI::XS (no C<use overload '""'> support)
    * Support for 'goto' in ProhibitAmpersandSigils and

    [Performance Enhancements]
    * Introduced Perl::Critic::Document class.  This is a facade for
      PPI::Document which internally caches search results.  This
      reduces the running time by about 35%.  The facade should be
      invisible, unless you are doing something really sneaky.
    * Extraction of the 'diagnostics' information is postponed
      until it is really needed.  Speedup has not been measured.
    * Calls to helper-subs have been reordered for maximum efficiency.

    [Other Cool Stuff]
    * Includes updated version of perlcritic mode for emacs.  See
      "extras/perlcritic.el" for details.

0.18 2006-07-16

    [Bug Fixes]
    * 14855: Home discovery is dangerously naive.
    * 20060: Incorrect page numbers in ProhibitLeadingZeros
      and RequireNumberSeparator policies.
    * 20068: .perlrc file - inconsistent documentation
    * 20254: "use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK)" not recognized
    * 20463: No-case heredoc terminator incorrectly detected as lower case.
    * ProhibitOneArgBless doesn't understand "bless {} => $class;"
    * ProhibitExcessComplexity doesn't count 'while' and 'until' stmnts
    * ProhibitLeadingZeros was falsely hits '.0456'

    * If File::HomeDir is available, we use it to locate the
      .perlcriticrc file.  This should help make Perl::Critic
      more portable to Win32 platforms.  If File::HomeDir is
      not installed, we resort to looking at the usual
      environment variables.

    [Other Stuff]
    * Added "perlcritic.el", which is a super-cool emacs minor-mode
      that runs perl-critic on the current buffer and returns the
      results in a sexy hot-linked "compiler" window.  You can run
      it on demand, or have it run automatically every time you
      save the buffer.  You can find this in the extras/ directory.
      Thanks to Josh ben Jore for contributing this.
    * Moved "Perl::Critic::TestUtils" into the installed build.  This
      module is only used for unit-testing Perl::Critic, but we
      are putting it in the installation so folks who want to
      extend Perl::Critic can make use of it.

0.17 2006-06-13

    [Bug Fixes]
    * 19836: Perl-Critic0.16 fails tests during install.  This was
      caused by a bug in version 3.01 of Module::Pluggable.  See for details.
    * Fixed bug in no-critic pragma parser.

    [New Policies]
    * ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEscapedCharacters
    * BuiltinFunctions::RequireSimpleSortBlock

    * Perl::Critic can export critique() as a static function.  This
      may appeal to folks who dislike the object-oriented interface.

0.16 2006-05-14

    * Perl::Critic->critique() now accepts a PPI::Document as the
      argument.  This feature creates an additional dependency on
      Scalar::Util, but that shouldn't be a problem because it is
      included with List::Util, which we already use.

    * Increased PPI dependency from v1.110 to v1.112

0.15_03 2006-05-07

    [Bug Fixes]
    * The "## no critic" feature is now implemented without eval-ing
      the code.  This keeps Perl::Critic pure and safe :)
    * 19082: Page number for AUTOLOAD is incorrect

    [New Policies]

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