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lib/Net/IMAP/  view on Meta::CPAN

package Net::IMAP::Simple;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;
use IO::File;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Net::IMAP::Simple::PipeSocket;

our $VERSION = "1.2212";

    # I'd really rather the pause/cpan indexers miss this "package"
    eval ## no critic
    q( package Net::IMAP::Simple::_message;
       use overload fallback=>1, '""' => sub { local $"=""; "@{$_[0]}" };
       sub new { bless $_[1] })

our $uidm;

sub new {
    my ( $class, $server, %opts ) = @_;

    ## warn "use of Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL is depricated, pass use_ssl to new() instead\n"
    ##     if $class =~ m/::SSL/;

    my $self = bless { count => -1 } => $class;

    $self->{use_v6}  = ( $opts{use_v6}  ? 1 : 0 );
    $self->{use_ssl} = ( $opts{use_ssl} ? 1 : 0 );

    unless( $opts{shutup_about_v6ssl} ) {
        carp "use_ssl with IPv6 is not yet supported"
            if $opts{use_v6} and $opts{use_ssl};

    if( $opts{ssl_version} ) {
        $self->{ssl_version} = $opts{ssl_version};
        $opts{use_ssl} = 1;

    $opts{use_ssl} = 1 if $opts{find_ssl_defaults};

    if( $opts{use_ssl} ) {
        eval {
            require IO::Socket::SSL;
            import IO::Socket::SSL;

        } or croak "IO::Socket::SSL must be installed in order to use_ssl";

         $self->{ssl_options}       = [ eval {@{ $opts{ssl_options} }} ];
         carp "ignoring ssl_options: $@" if $opts{ssl_options} and not @{ $self->{ssl_options} };

        unless( @{ $self->{ssl_options} } ) {
            if( $opts{find_ssl_defaults} ) {
                my $nothing = 1;

                    )) {

                    if( -f $_ ) {
                        @{ $self->{ssl_options} } = (SSL_ca_file=>$_, SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER());
                        $nothing = 0;

                    } elsif( -d $_ ) {
                        @{ $self->{ssl_options} } = (SSL_ca_path=>$_, SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER());
                        $nothing = 0;

                if( $nothing ) {
                    carp "couldn't find rational defaults for ssl verify.  Choosing to not verify.";
                    @{ $self->{ssl_options} } = (SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE());

            } else {
                @{ $self->{ssl_options} } = (SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE());

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