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lib/Module/Starter/Plugin/  view on Meta::CPAN




This is a plugin for L<Module::Starter|Module::Starter> that builds you a skeleton 
L<CGI::Application|CGI::Application> module with all the extra files needed to package it for 
CPAN. You can customize the output using L<HTML::Template|HTML::Template>.


package Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp;

use base 'Module::Starter::Simple';
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp qw( croak );
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw( mkpath );
use File::Spec ();
use Module::Starter::BuilderSet;
use HTML::Template;

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.44


our $VERSION = '0.44';


This module subclasses L<Module::Starter::Simple|Module::Starter::Simple> and
includes functionality similar to L<Module::Starter::Plugin::Template|Module::Starter::Plugin::Template>.
This document only describes the methods which are overridden from those modules or are new.

Only developers looking to extend this module need to read this. If you just 
want to use L<Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp|Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp>, read the docs for 
L<cgiapp-starter|cgiapp-starter> or L<titanium-starter|titanium-starter> instead.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new ( %args )

This method calls the C<new> supermethod from 
L<Module::Starter::Plugin::Simple|Module::Starter::Plugin::Simple> and then
initializes the template store. (See C<templates>.)


sub new {
    my ( $proto, %opts ) = @_;
    my $class = ref $proto || $proto;

    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%opts);
    $self->{templates} = { $self->templates };

    return bless $self => $class;

=head2 create_distro ( %args ) 

This method works as advertised in L<Module::Starter|Module::Starter>.


sub create_distro {
    my ( $either, %opts ) = @_;
    ( ref $either ) or $either = $either->new(%opts);
    my $self = $either;

    # Supposedly the *-starter scripts can handle multiple --builder options
    # but this doesn't work (and IMO doesn't make sense anyway.) So in the
    # case multiple builders were specified, we just pick the first one.
    if ( ref $self->{builder} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        $self->{builder} = $self->{builder}->[0];

    my @modules;
    foreach my $arg ( @{ $self->{modules} } ) {
        push @modules, ( split /[,]/msx, $arg );
    if ( !@modules ) {
        croak "No modules specified.\n";
    for (@modules) {
        if ( !/\A [[:alpha:]_] \w* (?: [:] [:] [\w]+ )* \Z /imsx ) {
            croak "Invalid module name: $_";
    $self->{modules} = \@modules;

    if ( !$self->{author} ) {
        croak "Must specify an author\n";
    if ( !$self->{email} ) {
        croak "Must specify an email address\n";
    ( $self->{email_obfuscated} = $self->{email} ) =~ s/@/ at /msx;

    $self->{license} ||= 'perl';

    $self->{main_module} = $self->{modules}->[0];
    if ( !$self->{distro} ) {
        $self->{distro} = $self->{main_module};
        $self->{distro} =~ s/::/-/gmsx;

    $self->{basedir} = $self->{dir} || $self->{distro};

    my @files;
    push @files, $self->create_modules( @{ $self->{modules} } );

    push @files, $self->create_t( @{ $self->{modules} } );
    push @files, $self->create_xt( @{ $self->{modules} } );
    push @files, $self->create_tmpl();
    my %build_results = $self->create_build();

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