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lib/Mixin/ExtraFields/Driver/DBIC.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod   package My::Schema::Object;
#pod   use parent 'DBIx::Class';
#pod   ...
#pod   use Mixin::ExtraFields -fields => {
#pod     driver => { class => 'DBIC', rs_moniker => 'ObjectExtra' }
#pod   };
#pod =head1 DRIVER ARGS
#pod The following arguments may be provided when defining the driver when setting
#pod up Mixin::ExtraFields:
#pod   schema       - the schema for the DBIx::Class storage (see below)
#pod   rs_moniker   - the moniker of the result source for extras
#pod   id_column    - the name of the column that stores object ids
#pod   name_column  - the name of the column that stores extra field names
#pod   value_column - the name of the column that stores extra field values
#pod C<schema> may be an actual DBIx::Class::Schema object or a coderef which, when
#pod called on an object, returns a schema.  The default value assumes that objects
#pod will be DBIx::Class::Row objects, and returns their schema.
#pod =head1 SETUP ARGS
#pod When using Mixin::ExtraFields::Driver::DBIC to set up a table result source,
#pod the following values may be in the argument to C<-setup> in the import call:
#pod   table        - (required) the name of the table in the storage
#pod   id_column    - the name of the column that stores object ids
#pod   name_column  - the name of the column that stores extra field names
#pod   value_column - the name of the column that stores extra field values
#pod =begin Pod::Coverage
#pod   id_column
#pod   name_column
#pod   value_column
#pod =end Pod::Coverage
#pod =cut

sub from_args {
  my ($class, $arg) = @_;

  # schema will be either a DBIx::Class::Schema or a methodref which, called on
  # an object, returns a schema
  my $schema     = $arg->{schema} || sub { $_[1]->result_source->schema };
  my $rs_moniker = $arg->{rs_moniker}
    or Carp::croak "no rs_moniker provided to $class";

  my $self = {
    schema => $schema,
    rs_moniker   => $rs_moniker,
    id_column    => $arg->{id_column}    || 'object_id',
    name_column  => $arg->{name_column}  || 'extra_name',
    value_column => $arg->{value_column} || 'extra_value',

  bless $self => $class;

sub id_column       { $_[0]->{id_column}    }
sub name_column     { $_[0]->{name_column}  }
sub value_column    { $_[0]->{value_column} }

sub _rs {
  my ($self, $object) = @_;

  if (eval { $self->{schema}->isa('DBIx::Class::Schema') }) {
    return $self->{schema}->resultset( $self->{rs_moniker} );
  } else {
    my $method = $self->{schema};
    return $self->$method($object)->resultset($self->{rs_moniker});

sub exists_extra {
  my ($self, $object, $id, $name) = @_;

  my $count = $self->_rs($object)->count({
    $self->id_column   => $id,
    $self->name_column => $name,

  return ! ! $count;

sub get_extra {
  my ($self, $object, $id, $name) = @_;

  my $row = $self->_rs($object)->find({
    $self->id_column   => $id,
    $self->name_column => $name,

  return undef unless $row;

  my $value_column = $self->value_column;
  return $row->$value_column;

sub get_all_extra {
  Carp::confess 'get_all_extra is fatal outside of list context'
    unless wantarray;

 my ($self, $object, $id, $name) = @_;

  my @rows = $self->_rs($object)->search({
    $self->id_column => $id,

  return unless @rows;

  my $name_column  = $self->name_column;
  my $value_column = $self->value_column;
  my @all = map { $_->$name_column, $_->$value_column } @rows;

  return @all;

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