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lib/Math/Symbolic/  view on Meta::CPAN

  asinh              => hyperbolic area sine (1)
  acosh              => hyperbolic area cosine (1)


sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;

    if ( @_ and not( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) ) {
        my $symbol = shift;
        my $type   = $Op_Symbols{$symbol};
        croak "Invalid operator type specified ($symbol)."
          unless defined $type;
        my $operands = [ @_[ 0 .. $Op_Types[$type]{arity} - 1 ] ];

        croak "Undefined operands not supported by "
          . "Math::Symbolic::Operator objects."
          if grep +( not defined($_) ), @$operands;

        @$operands =
          map {
            ref($_) =~ /^Math::Symbolic/
              ? $_
              : Math::Symbolic::parse_from_string($_)
          } @$operands;

        return bless {
            type     => $type,
            operands => $operands,
        } => $class;

    my %args;
    %args = %{ $_[0] } if @_;
    # and ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH';
    # above condition isn't necessary since that'd otherwise have been
    # the above branch.

    my $operands = [];
    if ( ref $proto ) {
        foreach ( @{ $proto->{operands} } ) {
            push @$operands, $_->new();

    my $self = {
        type => undef,
        ( ref($proto) ? %$proto : () ),
        operands => $operands,

    @{ $self->{operands} } =
      map {
        ref($_) =~ /^Math::Symbolic/
          ? $_
          : Math::Symbolic::parse_from_string($_)
      } @{ $self->{operands} };

    bless $self => $class;

=head2 Method arity

Returns the operator's arity as an integer.


sub arity {
    my $self = shift;
    return $Op_Types[ $self->{type} ]{arity};

=head2 Method type

Optional integer argument that sets the operator's type.
Returns the operator's type as an integer.


sub type {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{type} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{type};

=head2 Method to_string

Returns a string representation of the operator and its operands.
Optional argument: 'prefix' or 'infix'. Defaults to 'infix'.


sub to_string {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $string_type = shift;
    $string_type = 'infix'
      unless defined $string_type
      and $string_type eq 'prefix';
    no warnings 'recursion';

    my $string = '';
    if ( $string_type eq 'prefix' ) {
        $string .= $self->_to_string_prefix();
    else {
        $string .= $self->_to_string_infix();
    return $string;

sub _to_string_infix {
    my $self = shift;
    my $op   = $Op_Types[ $self->{type} ];

    my $op_str = $op->{infix_string};
    my $string;
    if ( $op->{arity} == 2 ) {
        my $op1 = $self->{operands}[0]->term_type() == T_OPERATOR;
        my $op2 = $self->{operands}[1]->term_type() == T_OPERATOR;

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