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lib/Math/SimpleHisto/XS/  view on Meta::CPAN

    $x = $namehash->{$x};
  return $hist->fill($x, defined($w) ? ($w) : ());

*fill_by_bin = \&fill;

sub get_bin_names {
  return @{ $_[0]->{names} };

# Not a fan, but unless I find an elegant way to attach more data to the
# XS object, I can't think of anything else. Retrofitting XS::Object::Magic
# to the SimpleHisto implementation is too annoying.
  my $self = $_[0];

  my $methname = $AUTOLOAD;
  $methname =~ /^(.*)::([^:]+)$/ or die "Should not happen";
  (my $class, $methname) = ($1, $2);

  my $hist = $self->{hist};
  if ($hist->can($methname)) {
    my $delegate = sub {
      my $self = shift;
      return $self->{hist}->$methname(@_);
    SCOPE: {
      no strict 'refs';
      *{"$methname"} = $delegate;
    goto &$methname;
  croak(qq{Can't locate object method "$methname" via package "$class"});

sub dump {
  my $self = shift;
  my $type = lc(shift);

  my $hist_dump = $self->{hist}->dump($type);

  my $rv = $Math::SimpleHisto::XS::JSON->encode({
    hist => $hist_dump,
    class => ref($self),
    histclass => ref($self->{hist})
  return $rv;

sub new_from_dump {
  my $class = shift;
  my $type = lc(shift);
  my $data = shift;

  my $struct = $Math::SimpleHisto::XS::JSON->decode($data);
  $class = delete $struct->{class};
  my $hclass = delete $struct->{histclass};
  $struct->{hist} = $hclass->new_from_dump($type, delete $struct->{hist});
  return bless($struct => $class);

# Can't simply be delegated, eventhough the implementation is the same :(
sub STORABLE_freeze {
  my $self = shift;
  my $cloning = shift;
  my $serialized = $self->dump('simple');
  return $serialized;

# Can't simply be delegated, eventhough the implementation is the same :(
sub STORABLE_thaw {
  my $self = shift;
  my $cloning = shift;
  my $serialized = shift;
  my $new = ref($self)->new_from_dump('simple', $serialized);
  $$self = $$new;
  $new = undef; # need to care about DESTROY here, normally

sub DESTROY {}



=head1 NAME

Math::SimpleHisto::XS::Named - Named histograms for Math::SimpleHisto::XS


  use Math::SimpleHisto::XS::Named;
  my $hist = Math::SimpleHisto::XS::Named->new(
    names => [qw(boys girls)],
  $hist->fill('boys', 12);
  $hist->fill($_) for map $_->gender, @kids;



This module provides histograms with named bins. It is built on top of
L<Math::SimpleHisto::XS> and attempts to provide the same interface as
far as it makes sense to support. The following documentation covers only
the differences between the two modules, so a basic familiarity with
C<Math::SimpleHisto::XS> is required.

It is important to not attempt to use a histogram with named bins by looking
at its internal coordinates or bin numbering.

=head1 API DIFFERENCES TO Math::SimpleHisto::XS

=head2 Constructors

The regular constructor, C<new> requires one named parameter: C<names>,
an array reference of bin names.

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