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lib/Math/Project3D/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;

use Math::Project3D;
use Imager;

use vars qw/$VERSION/;
$VERSION = '1.02';

# Constructor class and object method new
# Creates a new Math::Project3D::Plot instance and returns it.
# Takes a list of object attributes as arguments.

sub new {
   my $proto = shift;
   my $class = ref $proto || $proto;

   my %args = @_;

   # check for require attributes
   my $missing = _require_attributes(\%args, 'image', 'projection');

   croak "Required attribute $missing missing."
     if $missing;
   # We might croak a lot.
   my $croaker = sub { croak "Attribute '$_[0]' is bad." };

   my $self = {};

   # valid image and projection?
   ref $args{image} or $croaker->('image');
   $self->{image} = $args{image};

   ref $args{projection} eq 'Math::Project3D' or $croaker->('projection');
   $self->{proj} = $args{projection};

   # defaults
   $self = {
     scale    => 10,
     origin_x => $self->{image}->getwidth() / 2,
     origin_y => $self->{image}->getheight() / 2,

   my @valid_args = qw(
     origin_x origin_y

   # Take all valid args from the user input and
   # put them into our object.
   foreach my $arg (@valid_args) {
      $self->{$arg} = $args{$arg} if exists $args{$arg};

   bless $self => $class;

   # get min/max logical x/y coordinates
   ( $self->{min_x}, $self->{min_y} ) = $self->_g_l(0, 0);
   ( $self->{max_x}, $self->{max_y} ) = $self->_g_l(

   return $self;

# Method plot
# Takes argument pairs: color => Imager color
# and params => array ref of params
# projects the point associated with the parameters.
# Plots the point.
# Returns the graphical coordinates of the point that
# was plotted.

sub plot {
   my $self   = shift;
   my %args   = @_;

   ref $args{params} eq 'ARRAY' or
     croak "Invalid parameters passed to plot().";

   my ($coeff1, $coeff2, $distance) = $self->{proj}->project(@{$args{params}});
   my ($g_x, $g_y) = $self->_l_g($coeff1, $coeff2);

   $self->{image}->setpixel(color=>$args{color}, x=>$g_x, y=>$g_y);

   return $g_x, $g_y;

# Method plot_list
# Takes argument pairs: color => Imager color,
# params => array ref of array ref of params
# and type => 'line' or 'points'
# Projects the points associated with the parameters.
# Plots the either points or the line connecting them.
# Returns 1.

sub plot_list {
   my $self   = shift;
   my %args   = @_;

   ref $args{params} eq 'ARRAY' or
     croak "Invalid parameters passed to plot_list().";

   # Get type, default to points
   my $type = $args{type};
   $type ||= 'points';

   # Do some calulation on the points.
   my $matrix = $self->{proj}->project_list( @{ $args{params} } );

   # Cache
   my ($prev_g_x, $prev_g_y);

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