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            Carp::croak "arg 1 to ->hyper(str, val) must match (<<|>>)op(<<|>>)";
        goto &List::Gen::Hyper::hyper if @_ == 5;
        Carp::croak q{takes 1 `->hyper('-')` or 2 `->hyper('<<+>>', 1)` }.
                    q{or 4 `->hyper(qw(<< + >>), 1)` args, not }.$#_

    for my $proxy (qw(apply purge rewind)) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *$proxy = sub {
            my @src;
            my @todo = tied @{$_[0]};
            while (my $next = shift @todo) {
                unshift @src, $next;
                next if ref($next) =~ /^List::Gen::While/;
                if (my $source = $next->source) {
                    unshift @todo, ref $source eq 'ARRAY'
                                    ? @$source
                                    :  $source
            ($_->can($proxy) or next)->($_) for @src;

    sub is_inf {$_[0]->size >= 9**9**9}
    sub x_xs   {$_[0]->head, $_[0]->tail}
    sub idx    {$_[0]->drop( $_[0]->index + 0 )}

    sub tee {
        my @ret;
        for (shift) {
            for my $code (@_)
                {push @ret, $code->()}}
            ? @ret
            : @ret > 1
                ? &List::Gen::makegen(\@ret)
                : pop @ret

    BEGIN {
        *from_index = *idx;
        *s = *self = *scalar = sub {$_[0]}

    sub type {(my $t = ref tied @{$_[0]}) =~ s/::_\d+$//; $t}

    sub elems {$_[0]->size}
    sub end   {$_[0]->apply->size - 1}

        my %save;
        sub new {
            my ($class, $gen) = @_;
            my $code = \&$gen;
            bless $code => $class;
            $save{$code} = $gen;
        sub DESTROY {
            delete $save{$_[0]}
    sub code {List::Gen::DwimCode->new($_[0])}

    sub size_from {
        List::Gen::tiegen(Size_From => map tied @$_ => @_)
    List::Gen::generator Size_From => sub {
        my ($class, $self, $from) = @_;
        List::Gen::curse {
            fsize  => $from->can('fsize'),
            FETCH  => $self->can('FETCH'),
            source => sub {[$self, $from]},
            $from->mutable ? (mutable => sub {1}) : ()
        } => $class

    sub defined {$_[0]->grep('defined')}

    sub iterator {$_[0]->index; $_[0]->can('next')}
    BEGIN {*iter = *iterator}

    sub range  {&List::Gen::range(0, $_[0]->size - 1)}
    {no warnings 'once';
        *keys   = sub {wantarray ? $_[0]->range->all : $_[0]->range};
        *values = sub {wantarray ? $_[0]->all        : $_[0]};
    sub kv     {&List::Gen::zip($_[0]->range, $_[0])}
    sub tuples {&List::Gen::tuples}
    sub pairs  {$_[0]->range->tuples($_[0])}

    sub sort {
        my $self = shift;
        @_ == 2 and return $self->wrapsort(@_);
        @_ == 0
            ? wantarray ? sort $self->all
                 : $l2g->(sort $self->all)
            : do {
                my $code = pop;
                my ($ca, $cb) = $code->$cv_ab_ref;
                local (*$ca, *$cb) = (*a, *b);
                wantarray ? sort $code $self->all
                   : $l2g->(sort $code $self->all)
        use overload fallback => 1, '""' => sub {$_[0][1]};
    sub wrap {
        my ($gen, $code) = splice @_;
        $l2g->(map {bless [$_ => &$code] => 'List::Gen::Wrap'} $gen->all)

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