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lib/Hash/Persistent.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    format => 'auto',
    lock => 1,
    write_only => 0,

my $meta = {};

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($fname, $options, $lock_options) = @_;

    $lock_options ||= {};

    $options ||= {};
    my $_self = {%defaults, %$options};

    if ($options->{read_only} and $options->{auto_commit}) {
        croak "Only one of 'read_only' and 'auto_commit' options can be true";

    if ($_self->{read_only}) {
        $_self->{auto_commit} = 0;
        $_self->{lock} = 0;

    if ($_self->{lock}) {
        $lock_options = $_self->{lock} if ref $_self->{lock};
        my $lock = lockfile("$fname.lock", { mode => $_self->{mode}, blocking => 1, remove => 1, %$lock_options });
        unless (defined $lock) {
        $_self->{lock} = $lock;
    $_self->{fname} = $fname;

    my $self;
    if (-e $fname and not $_self->{write_only}) {
        open my $fh, '<', $fname;
        my $data;
        local $/;
        my $str = <$fh>;
        if ($str =~ m{^\$data = }) {
            eval $str;
            die "Can't eval $fname: $@" unless $data;
            die "Invalid data in $fname: $data" unless ref $data;
            $self = $data;
            $_self->{format} = 'dumper' if $_self->{format} eq 'auto';
        } elsif ($str =~ /^{/) {
            $self = JSON->new->decode($str);
            $_self->{format} = 'json' if $_self->{format} eq 'auto';
        else {
            $self = thaw($str);
            $_self->{format} = 'storable' if $_self->{format} eq 'auto';
    } else {
        $_self->{format} = 'json' if $_self->{format} eq 'auto'; # default format for new files
        $self = {};

    bless $self => $class;
    $meta->{$self} = $_self;
    return $self;

sub commit {
    my $self = shift;
    my $_self = $meta->{$self};

    if ($_self->{removed}) {
        croak "$_self->{fname} is already removed and can't be commited";
    if ($_self->{read_only}) {
        croak "Can't commit to $_self->{fname}, object is read only";

    my $fname = $_self->{fname};
    my $tmp_fname = "$fname.tmp";
    open my $tmp, '>', $tmp_fname;

    my $serialized;
    if ($_self->{format} eq 'dumper') {
        my $dumper = Data::Dumper->new([ { %$self } ], [ qw(data) ]);
        $dumper->Terse(0); # somebody could enable terse mode globally; TODO - explicitly specify other options too?
        $serialized = $dumper->Dump;
    elsif ($_self->{format} eq 'json') {
        $serialized = JSON->new->encode({ %$self });
    else {
        $serialized = nfreeze({ %$self });
    print {$tmp} $serialized or die "print failed: $!";

    chmod $_self->{mode}, $tmp_fname if defined $_self->{mode};
    close $tmp;
    rename $tmp_fname => $fname;

    local $@;
    my $self = shift;

    my $_self = $meta->{$self};
    if ($_self->{auto_commit} and not $self->{removed}) {
        my $commited = eval {
        delete $meta->{$self}; # delete object anyway, commited or not
        unless ($commited) {
            ERROR $@;
    else {
        delete $meta->{$self};

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