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lib/HTTPD/UserAdmin/  view on Meta::CPAN

# $Id:,v 1.3 2007/01/23 16:18:56 lstein Exp $
package HTTPD::UserAdmin::SQL;
use DBI;
use Carp ();
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
@ISA = qw(HTTPD::UserAdmin);
$VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.3 $)[1];

my %Default = (HOST => "",                  #server hostname
	       DB => "",                    #database name
	       USER => "", 	            #database login name	    
	       AUTH => "",                  #database login password
	       DRIVER => "mSQL",            #driver for DBI
	       USERTABLE => "",             #table with field names below
	       NAMEFIELD => "user",         #field for the name
	       PASSWORDFIELD => "password", #field for the password

sub new {
    my($class) = shift;
    my $self = bless { %Default, @_ } => $class;
    $self->_check(qw(DRIVER DB USERTABLE)); 
    return $self;

    my($self) = @_;

sub db {
    my($self,$db) = @_;
    my $old = $self->{DB};
    return $old unless $db;
    $self->{DB} = $db; 

    if(defined $self->{'_DBH'}) {

    # LS 12/1/97 -- Be sure to use Msql-modules-1.1814 (at least).
    # Do NOT  use the older DBD-mSQL-0.65.
    # The connect() method changed.

    my $source = sprintf("dbi:%s:%s",@{$self}{qw(DRIVER DB)});
    $source .= ":$self->{HOST}" if $self->{HOST};
    $source .= ":$self->{PORT}" if $self->{HOST} and $self->{PORT};
    $self->{'_DBH'} = DBI->connect($source,@{$self}{qw(USER AUTH)} ) 
	|| Carp::croak($DBI::errstr);

    return $old;

package HTTPD::UserAdmin::SQL::_generic;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(HTTPD::UserAdmin::SQL);

sub add {
    my($self, $username, $passwd, $other) = @_;
    return(0, "add_user: no user name!") unless $username;
    return(0, "add_user: no password!") unless $passwd;
    return(0, "user '$username' already exists!") 
	if $self->exists($username);

    my(%f) = ($self->{NAMEFIELD}=>$username,
    if ($other) {
	Carp::croak('Specify other fields as a hash ref for SQL databases')
	    unless ref($other) eq 'HASH';
	  foreach (keys %{$other}) {
	      $f{$_} = $other->{$_};
    my $statement = 
	sprintf("INSERT into %s (%s)\n VALUES (%s)\n",
		join(',',keys %f),
		join(',', map {$self->_is_string($_,$f{$_}) ? "'$f{$_}'" : $f{$_} } keys %f));

    print STDERR $statement if $self->debug;

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