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lib/HTTP/Upload/  view on Meta::CPAN

Default 1024

The minimum chunk size is required since the file type detection
works on the first chunk. If the first chunk is too small, its file type
cannot be checked.

B<forceChunkSize> - force all chunks to be less or equal than C<maxChunkSize>

Default: true

Otherwise, the last chunk will be greater than or equal to C<maxChunkSize>
(the last uploaded chunk will be at least this size and up to two the size).

Note: when C<forceChunkSize> is C<false> it only make C<chunkSize> value in
L</jsConfig> equal to C<maxChunkSize/2>.

B<simultaneousUploads> - simultaneously allowed uploads per file

Default 3

This is just an indication to the Javascript C<flow.js> client
if you pass it the configuration from this object. This is not enforced
in any way yet.

B<allowedContentType> - subroutine to check the MIME type

The default is to allow any kind of file

If you need more advanced checking, do so after you've determined a file
upload as complete with C<< $flowjs->uploadComplete >>.

B<fileParameterName> - The name of the multipart POST parameter to use for the
file chunk

Default C<file>


More interesting limits would be hard maxima for the number of pending
uploads or the number of outstanding chunks per user/session. Checking
these would entail a call to C<glob> for each check and thus would be
fairly disk-intensive on some systems.


sub new( $class, %options ) {
    croak "Need a directory name for the temporary upload parts"
        unless $options{ incomingDirectory };

    $options{ maxChunkCount } ||= 1000;
    $options{ maxFileSize } ||= 10_000_000;
    $options{ maxChunkSize } ||= 1024*1024;
    $options{ minChunkSize } //= 1024;
    $options{ forceChunkSize } //= 1;
    $options{ simultaneousUploads } ||= 3;
    $options{ mime } ||= MIME::Detect->new();
    $options{ fileParameterName } ||= 'file';
    $options{ allowedContentType } ||= sub { 1 };

    bless \%options => $class;

=head2 C<< $flowjs->incomingDirectory >>

Return the incoming directory name.


sub incomingDirectory( $self ) {

=head2 C<< $flowjs->mime >>

Return the L<MIME::Detect> instance.


sub mime($self) {

=head2 C<< $flowjs->jsConfig >>

=head2 C<< $flowjs->jsConfigStr >>

  # Perl HASH
  my $config = $flowjs->jsConfig(
      target => '/upload',

  # JSON string
  my $config = $flowjs->jsConfigStr(
      target => '/upload',

Create a JSON string that encapsulates the configuration of the Perl
object for inclusion with the JS side of the world.


sub jsConfig( $self, %override ) {
    # The last uploaded chunk will be at least this size and up to two the size
    # when forceChunkSize is false
    my $chunkSize = $self->{maxChunkSize};
    $chunkSize = $chunkSize/2 unless $self->{forceChunkSize}; # / placate Filter::Simple

            map { $_ => $self->{$_} } (qw(
        chunkSize => $chunkSize,
        testChunks => 1,
        withCredentials => 1,
        uploadMethod => 'POST',

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