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lib/HTML/HTML5/Parser/  view on Meta::CPAN

    ## F4.6.
    my $anode = $node;
    AN: while (defined $anode) {
      if ($anode->node_type == 1) {
        my $nsuri = $anode->namespaceURI;
        if (defined $nsuri and $nsuri eq '') {
          if ($anode->tagName eq 'form') {
            $p->{form_element} = $anode;
            last AN;
      $anode = $anode->parentNode;
    } # AN

    ## F.5. Set the input stream.
    $p->{confident} = 1; ## Confident: irrelevant.

    ## F.6. Start the parser.
      my $self = $p;
      $token = $self->_get_next_token;

    ## F.7.
    my @cn = $node->childNodes;
    for (@cn) {
      $node->removeChild ($_);
    ## ISSUE: mutation events? read-only?

    ## Step 11 # MUST
    @cn = $root->childNodes;
    for (@cn) {
      $this_doc->adoptNode ($_);
      $node->appendChild ($_);
    ## ISSUE: mutation events?


    ## Remove self references. 
    delete $p->{set_nc}; 
    delete $p->{read_until}; 
    delete $p->{parse_error}; 
  } else {
    die "$0: |set_inner_html| is not defined for node of type $nt";
} # set_inner_html

} # tree construction stage

package HTML::HTML5::Parser::TagSoupParser::RestartParser;

sub new
  my ($class, %opts) = @_;
  bless \%opts => $class;

sub throw
  my ($class, %opts) = @_;
  die $class->new(%opts);

# $Date: 2009/09/06 23:32:06 $

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