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lib/Google/Checkout/General/  view on Meta::CPAN

use Google::Checkout::XML::CheckoutXmlWriter;
use Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCalculationResults;
use Google::Checkout::XML::NotificationResponseXmlWriter;
use Google::Checkout::General::Util qw/is_gco_error compute_hmac_sha1 compute_base64/;

#-- Version. This is the version number of the whole sample
#-- code. Thus, everytime we make a bug fix or release a new
#-- version of any code, this number if increased.
#-- NOTE: Please do NOT change this number! This is in fact
#--       a special variable that Perl tracks. It allows us
#--       to ask for a specify version of the sample code. 
#--       For example, if we add a feature to the sample code
#--       which is only available to the newest version of GCO,
#--       the user can say "use GCO 2.0;' which will reject this
#--       version of the library. 
our $VERSION = "1.1.1";

sub new 
  my ($class, %args) = @_;

  my $self = {_reader => undef};

  if ($args{config_path}) {

    #-- have a configuration? if so, use it
    $self->{_reader} = Google::Checkout::General::ConfigReader->new(
                       {config_path => $args{config_path}});

  } elsif ($args{merchant_id} && $args{merchant_key} && $args{gco_server}) {

    #-- config is passed in
    $self->{__merchant_id}     = $args{merchant_id};
    $self->{__merchant_key}    = $args{merchant_key};
    $self->{__base_gco_server} = $args{gco_server};

    #-- if user supply the following, use them. otherwise, use default
    $self->{__xml_schema}         = $args{xml_schema} || '';
    $self->{__currency_supported} = $args{currency_supported} || 'USD';
    $self->{__xml_version}        = $args{xml_version} || '1.0';
    $self->{__xml_encoding}       = $args{xml_encoding} || 'UTF-8';

  } else {

    #-- try a default configuration

    $self->{_reader} = Google::Checkout::General::ConfigReader->new;

  return bless $self => $class;

sub reader 
  my ($self) = @_;

  return $self->{_reader}; 

sub get_checkout_url          
  my ($self) = @_;

  return $self->_get_url('merchantCheckout');

  #-- TODO: the following will go away on July 2007
  return $self->_get_url("checkout");    

sub get_checkout_diagnose_url 
  my ($self) = @_;

  return $self->_get_url('merchantCheckout');

  #-- TODO: the following will go away on July 2007
  return $self->_get_url("checkout", 1); 

sub get_request_url          
  my ($self) = @_;

  return $self->_get_url("request");    

sub get_request_diagnose_url 
  my ($self) = @_;

  return $self->_get_url("request", 1); 

#-- Return the HMAC-SHA1 / Base64 signature
sub b64_signature
  my ($self, $cart) = @_; #-- $cart = Shopping cart in XML
  my $id = '';
  if ($self->reader()) {
    $id = $self->reader()->get(Google::Checkout::XML::Constants::MERCHANT_KEY);
  } else {
    $id = $self->{__merchant_key} || Google::Checkout::General::Error(-1, "Missing merchant key");

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