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lib/Getopt/Long/Descriptive/  view on Meta::CPAN

  return $meta->{specified_opts} if $meta->{specified_opts};

  my @keys = grep { $meta->{given}{ $_ } } (keys %{ $meta->{given} });

  my %opts;
  @opts{ @keys } = @$self{ @keys };

  $meta->{specified_opts} = \%opts;

  bless $meta->{specified_opts} => $class;
  weaken $meta->{specified_opts};


#pod =head2 _complete_opts
#pod This method returns the opts object with all values, including those set by
#pod defaults.  It is probably not going to be very often-used.

lib/Getopt/Long/Descriptive/  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class, $arg) = @_;

  my @to_copy = qw(leader_text options show_defaults);

  my %copy;
  @copy{ @to_copy } = @$arg{ @to_copy };

  bless \%copy => $class;

#pod =head2 text
#pod This returns the full text of the usage message.
#pod =cut

sub text {
  my ($self) = @_;

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