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lib/Games/Bowling/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.24.0;
use warnings;
package Games::Bowling::Scorecard 0.106;
# ABSTRACT: score your bowling game easily

#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod   use Games::Bowling::Scorecard;
#pod   my $card = Games::Bowling::Scorecard->new;
#pod   $card->record(6,1);  # slow start
#pod   $card->record(7,2);  # getting better
#pod   $card->record(10);   # strike!
#pod   $card->record(9,1);  # picked up a spare
#pod   $card->record(10) for 1 .. 3; # turkey!
#pod   $card->record(0,0);  # clearly distracted by something
#pod   $card->record(8,2);  # amazingly picked up 7-10 split
#pod   $card->record(10, 9, 1); # pick up a bonus spare
#pod   printf "total score: %u\n", $card->score; # total score: 156, lousy!
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod Scoring ten-pin bowling can be confusing for new players.  Frames can't always
#pod be scored until several frames later, and then there's that weird tenth frame.
#pod Modern bowling alleys incorporate computer scoring into the pin cleanup
#pod mechanism, so it's easy to just concentrate on throwing a perfect game and not
#pod on grease-pencilling the sheet for the overhead.
#pod What's one to do, though, when bowling cantaloupes at beer bottles in one's
#pod back yard?  Now, with Games::Bowling::Scorecard, it's easy to improvise a
#pod scoring device -- maybe on a mobile phone running Symbian Perl.
#pod =cut

use Games::Bowling::Scorecard::Frame;

#pod =method new
#pod This returns a new scorecard object.  It does not take any arguments.
#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class) = @_;

  my $self = bless { frames => [ ] } => $class;

  return $self;

#pod =method frames
#pod   my @frames = $card->frames;
#pod This method returns all of the frames for the game.  This will return all
#pod frames in which scores have been recorded, and possibly one final frame with no
#pod recorded balls.  It will never return any frames after that.
#pod Frames are returned as Games::Bowling::Scorecard::Frame objects.
#pod =cut

sub frames {
  my ($self) = @_;

  return @{ $self->{frames} };

#pod =method current_frame
#pod The current frame is the frame into which the next ball will be recorded.  If
#pod the card is done, this method returns false.
#pod =cut

sub current_frame {
  my ($self) = @_;

  return if $self->is_done;

  my @frames = $self->frames;

  my $frame = pop @frames;

  return $self->_next_frame if !$frame || $frame->is_done;

  return $frame;

sub _next_frame {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $frame = $self->frames == 9
            ? do {
                require Games::Bowling::Scorecard::Frame::TenPinTenth;
            : Games::Bowling::Scorecard::Frame->new;

  push @{ $self->{frames} }, $frame;

  return $frame;

#pod =method pending_frames

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