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package GD::Text::Arc;

$GD::Text::Arc::VERSION = '0.02';

use strict;
use GD 1.2;    # fails if version < 1.20 (no TrueType support)
use base qw(GD::Text);
use Carp;

use constant PI   => 4 * atan2(1, 1);

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $gd    = shift;
    ref($gd) and $gd->isa('GD::Image') 
        or croak "Not a GD::Image object";
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new() or return;
    $self->{gd} = $gd;
    bless $self => $class;
    return $self;

# fill these in with defaults

my %defaults = (
    align                   => 'left',
    angle                   => 0,
    font                    => '',
    text                    => '',
    orientation             => 'clockwise',
    side                    => 'outside',
    compress_factor         => .9,
    points_to_pixels_factor => .8


sub _init
    my $self = shift;
    while (my ($k, $v) = each(%defaults))
        $self->{$k} = $v;
    $self->{colour}   = 1; # if indexed, 1 is the first non-background color. 
                           # if truecolor, (0,0,1) is nearly black.
    $self->{color}    = $self->{colour};
    $self->{center_x} = ($self->{gd}->getBounds())[0] / 2;
    $self->{center_y} = ($self->{gd}->getBounds())[1] / 2;
    $self->{radius}   = _min( $self->{center_x}, $self->{center_y});

sub set
    my $self = shift;
    $@ = "Incorrect attribute list (one left over)", return if @_%2;
    my %args = @_;
    my @super;

    foreach (keys %args)
        /^align/ and do {
        /^angle/ and do {
        /^center_x/ and do {
            $self->{center_x} = $args{$_};
        /^center_y/ and do {
            $self->{center_y} = $args{$_};
        /^orientation/ and do {

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