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lib/HAL/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $ua = WWW::Mechanize->new();
    my $res = $ua->get('');
    my $r = HAL::Resource->new(
        ua => $ua,
        %{ decode_json( $res->decoded_content ) },

=head1 ABOUT

This module is just a very thin wrapper for HAL resources. If you find this
module useful, I'm very happy to spin it off into its own distribution.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Data::HAL> - similar to this module, but lacks a HTTP transfer facility and
currently fails its test suite

L<HAL::Tiny> - a module to generate HAL JSON

L<WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL> - an adapter to export DBIx::Class structures
as HAL

Hypertext Application Language - L<>


has ua => (
    weaken => 1,
    is => 'ro',

has _links => (
    is => 'ro',

has _external => (
    is => 'ro',

has _embedded => (
    is => 'ro',

sub resource_url( $self, $name ) {
    my $l = $self->_links;
    if( exists $l->{$name} ) {

sub resources( $self ) {
    sort keys %{ $self->_links }

sub fetch_resource_future( $self, $name, %options ) {
    my $class = $options{ class } || ref $self;
    my $ua = $self->ua;
    my $url = $self->resource_url( $name )
        or croak "Couldn't find resource '$name' in " . join ",", sort keys %{$self->_links};
    Future->done( $ua->get( $url ))->then( sub( $res ) {
        Future->done( bless { ua => $ua, %{ decode_json( $res->content )} } => $class );

sub fetch_resource( $self, $name, %options ) {
    $self->fetch_resource_future( $name, %options )->get

sub navigate_future( $self, %options ) {
    $options{ class } ||= ref $self;
    my $path = delete $options{ path } || [];
    my $resource = Future->done( $self );
    for my $item (@$path) {
        my $i = $item;
        $resource = $resource->then( sub( $r ) {
            $r->fetch_resource_future( $i, %options );

sub navigate( $self, %options ) {
    $self->navigate_future( %options )->get

sub inflate_list( $self, $class, $list ) {
    my $ua = $self->ua;
    map {
        $class->new( ua => $ua, %$_ )
    } @{ $list };


=head1 AUTHOR

Max Maischein, E<lt>corion@cpan.orgE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<perl>, L<WWW::Mechanize>.


The public repository of this module is

=head1 SUPPORT

The public support forum of this module is


Please report bugs in this module via the RT CPAN bug queue at
or via mail to L<>.

=head1 COPYRIGHT (c)

Copyright 2003-2019 by Max Maischein C<>.

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