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bundled/CPAN-Meta/CPAN/Meta/Prereqs.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod =method new
#pod   my $prereq = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new( \%prereq_spec );
#pod This method returns a new set of Prereqs.  The input should look like the
#pod contents of the C<prereqs> field described in L<CPAN::Meta::Spec>, meaning
#pod something more or less like this:
#pod   my $prereq = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new({
#pod     runtime => {
#pod       requires => {
#pod         'Some::Module' => '1.234',
#pod         ...,
#pod       },
#pod       ...,
#pod     },
#pod     ...,
#pod   });
#pod You can also construct an empty set of prereqs with:
#pod   my $prereqs = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new;
#pod This empty set of prereqs is useful for accumulating new prereqs before finally
#pod dumping the whole set into a structure or string.
#pod =cut

sub __legal_phases { qw(configure build test runtime develop)   }
sub __legal_types  { qw(requires recommends suggests conflicts) }

# expect a prereq spec from META.json -- rjbs, 2010-04-11
sub new {
  my ($class, $prereq_spec) = @_;
  $prereq_spec ||= {};

  my %is_legal_phase = map {; $_ => 1 } $class->__legal_phases;
  my %is_legal_type  = map {; $_ => 1 } $class->__legal_types;

  my %guts;
  PHASE: for my $phase (keys %$prereq_spec) {
    next PHASE unless $phase =~ /\Ax_/i or $is_legal_phase{$phase};

    my $phase_spec = $prereq_spec->{ $phase };
    next PHASE unless keys %$phase_spec;

    TYPE: for my $type (keys %$phase_spec) {
      next TYPE unless $type =~ /\Ax_/i or $is_legal_type{$type};

      my $spec = $phase_spec->{ $type };

      next TYPE unless keys %$spec;

      $guts{prereqs}{$phase}{$type} = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->from_string_hash(

  return bless \%guts => $class;

#pod =method requirements_for
#pod   my $requirements = $prereqs->requirements_for( $phase, $type );
#pod This method returns a L<CPAN::Meta::Requirements> object for the given
#pod phase/type combination.  If no prerequisites are registered for that
#pod combination, a new CPAN::Meta::Requirements object will be returned, and it may
#pod be added to as needed.
#pod If C<$phase> or C<$type> are undefined or otherwise invalid, an exception will
#pod be raised.
#pod =cut

sub requirements_for {
  my ($self, $phase, $type) = @_;

  confess "requirements_for called without phase" unless defined $phase;
  confess "requirements_for called without type"  unless defined $type;

  unless ($phase =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $phase eq $_ } $self->__legal_phases) {
    confess "requested requirements for unknown phase: $phase";

  unless ($type =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $type eq $_ } $self->__legal_types) {
    confess "requested requirements for unknown type: $type";

  my $req = ($self->{prereqs}{$phase}{$type} ||= CPAN::Meta::Requirements->new);

  $req->finalize if $self->is_finalized;

  return $req;

#pod =method with_merged_prereqs
#pod   my $new_prereqs = $prereqs->with_merged_prereqs( $other_prereqs );
#pod   my $new_prereqs = $prereqs->with_merged_prereqs( \@other_prereqs );
#pod This method returns a new CPAN::Meta::Prereqs objects in which all the
#pod other prerequisites given are merged into the current set.  This is primarily
#pod provided for combining a distribution's core prereqs with the prereqs of one of
#pod its optional features.
#pod The new prereqs object has no ties to the originals, and altering it further
#pod will not alter them.
#pod =cut

sub with_merged_prereqs {
  my ($self, $other) = @_;

  my @other = blessed($other) ? $other : @$other;

  my @prereq_objs = ($self, @other);

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