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lib/Exception/Reporter/Dumpable/File.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod   my $file_dumpable = Exception::Reporter::Dumpable::File->new(
#pod     $path,
#pod     \%arg,
#pod   );
#pod Useful arguments are:
#pod   mimetype - defaults to a guess by extension or application/octet-stream
#pod   charset  - defaults to utf-8 for text, undef otherwise
#pod   max_size - the maximum size to include; if the file is larger, a placeholder
#pod              will be included instead
#pod If the file object can't be constructed, B<the method does not die>.  This to
#pod avoid requiring exception handling in your exception handling.  Instead, C<new>
#pod I<will return a string> which will then be summarized as any other string.
#pod Maybe this will change in the future, and the file summarizer will know how to
#pod expect File::Error objects, or something like that.
#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class, $path, $arg) = @_;
  $arg ||= {};

  return $class->_err_msg($path, 'does not exist') unless -e $path;

  my $realpath = -l $path ? readlink $path : $path;

  return $class->_err_msg($path, 'is not a normal file') unless -f $realpath;

  return $class->_err_msg($path, "can't be read") unless -r $realpath;

  if ($arg->{max_size}) {
    my $size = -s $realpath;
    if ($size > $arg->{max_size}) {
      return $class->_err_msg(
        "its size $size " . "exceeds maximum allowed size $arg->{max_size}"

  my $guts = { path => $path };

  $guts->{mimetype} = $arg->{mimetype}
                   || $class->_mimetype_from_filename($path)
                   || 'application/octet-stream';

  $guts->{charset} = $arg->{charset}
                  || $guts->{mimetype} =~ m{\Atext/} ? 'utf-8' : undef;

  open my $fh, '<', $path
    or return $class->_err_msg("there was an error reading it: $!");

  my $contents = do { local $/; <$fh> };

  $guts->{contents_ref} = \$contents;

  bless $guts => $class;

sub path     { $_[0]->{path} }
sub mimetype { $_[0]->{mimetype} }
sub charset  { $_[0]->{charset} }
sub contents_ref { $_[0]->{contents_ref} }

# replace with MIME::Type or something -- rjbs, 2012-07-03
my %LOOKUP = (
  txt  => 'text/plain',
  html => 'text/html',

sub _mimetype_from_filename {
  my ($class, $filename) = @_;

  my ($extension) = $filename =~ m{\.(.+?)\z};
  return unless $extension;

  return $LOOKUP{ $extension };




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Exception::Reporter::Dumpable::File - a dumpable object for a file on disk

=head1 VERSION

version 0.015


      [ import_file => Exception::Reporter::Dumpable::File->new(
                         { mimetype => 'text/csv', charset => 'us-ascii' },
                       ) ],

This class exists to provide a simple way to tell Exception::Reporter to
include a file from disk.  To make this useful, you should also include
L<Exception::Reporter::Summarizer::File> in your summarizers.

Right now, file content is read as soon as the file is constructed.  This may
change in the future.


This module should work on any version of perl still receiving updates from

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