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lib/Exception/Reporter.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

  for my $test (qw(Summarizer Sender)) {
    my $class = "Exception::Reporter::$test";
    my $key   = "\L${test}s";

    Carp::confess("no $key given") unless $arg->{$key} and @{ $arg->{$key} };
    Carp::confess("entry in $key is not an $class")
      if grep { ! $_->isa($class) } @{ $arg->{$key} };

  bless $self => $class;

  $_->register_reporter($self) for $self->_summarizers;

  return $self;

sub _summarizers { return @{ $_[0]->{summarizers} }; }
sub _senders     { return @{ $_[0]->{senders} }; }

sub dumper { return $_[0]->{dumper} }

lib/Exception/Reporter/Dumpable/File.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

  $guts->{charset} = $arg->{charset}
                  || $guts->{mimetype} =~ m{\Atext/} ? 'utf-8' : undef;

  open my $fh, '<', $path
    or return $class->_err_msg("there was an error reading it: $!");

  my $contents = do { local $/; <$fh> };

  $guts->{contents_ref} = \$contents;

  bless $guts => $class;

sub path     { $_[0]->{path} }
sub mimetype { $_[0]->{mimetype} }
sub charset  { $_[0]->{charset} }
sub contents_ref { $_[0]->{contents_ref} }

# replace with MIME::Type or something -- rjbs, 2012-07-03
my %LOOKUP = (
  txt  => 'text/plain',

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