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lib/Dist/Man/Simple.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

=head2 C<< create_distro(%args) >>

This method works as advertised in L<Dist::Man>.


sub create_distro {
    my $class = shift;

    my $self = $class->new( @_ );

    my $modules = $self->{modules} || [];
    my @modules = map { split /,/ } @{$modules};
    croak "No modules specified.\n" unless @modules;
    for (@modules) {
        croak "Invalid module name: $_" unless /\A[a-z_]\w*(?:::[\w]+)*\Z/i;

    croak "Must specify an author\n" unless $self->{author};
    croak "Must specify an email address\n" unless $self->{email};
    ($self->{email_obfuscated} = $self->{email}) =~ s/@/ at /;

    $self->{license} ||= 'perl';

    $self->{main_module} = $modules[0];
    if ( not $self->{distro} ) {
        $self->{distro} = $self->{main_module};
        $self->{distro} =~ s/::/-/g;

    $self->{basedir} = $self->{dir} || $self->{distro};

    my @files;
    push @files, $self->create_modules( @modules );

    push @files, $self->create_t( @modules );
    push @files, $self->create_ignores;
    my %build_results = $self->create_build();
    push(@files, @{ $build_results{files} } );

    push @files, $self->create_Changes;
    push @files, $self->create_README( $build_results{instructions} );
    push @files, 'MANIFEST';
    $self->create_MANIFEST( grep { $_ ne 't/boilerplate.t' } @files );


=head2 C<< new(%args) >>

This method is called to construct and initialize a new Dist::Man object.
It is never called by the end user, only internally by C<create_distro>, which
creates ephemeral Dist::Man objects.  It's documented only to call it to
the attention of subclass authors.


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    return bless { @_ } => $class;


All the methods documented below are object methods, meant to be called
internally by the ephemperal objects created during the execution of the class
method C<create_distro> above.

=head2 create_basedir

Creates the base directory for the distribution.  If the directory already
exists, and I<$force> is true, then the existing directory will get erased.

If the directory can't be created, or re-created, it dies.


sub create_basedir {
    my $self = shift;

    # Make sure there's no directory
    if ( -e $self->{basedir} ) {
        die( "$self->{basedir} already exists.  ".
             "Use --force if you want to stomp on it.\n"
            ) unless $self->{force};

        local @ARGV = $self->{basedir};

        die "Couldn't delete existing $self->{basedir}: $!\n"
          if -e $self->{basedir};

    CREATE_IT: {
        $self->progress( "Created $self->{basedir}" );

        local @ARGV = $self->{basedir};

        die "Couldn't create $self->{basedir}: $!\n" unless -d $self->{basedir};


=head2 create_modules( @modules )

This method will create a starter module file for each module named in


sub create_modules {
    my $self = shift;
    my @modules = @_;

    my @files;

    for my $module ( @modules ) {
        my $rtname = lc $module;

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