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lib/Data/Rx/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12.0;
use warnings;
package Data::Rx::FailureSet 0.200008;
# ABSTRACT: multiple structured failure reports from an Rx checker

#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod This is what is thrown when a schema's C<assert_valid> method finds a problem
#pod with the input.  For more information on it, look at the documentation for
#pod L<Data::Rx>.
#pod =cut

use overload '""' => \&stringify;

sub new {
  my ($class, $arg) = @_;

  my $failures;

  my $guts = {
    failures => [ map $_->isa('Data::Rx::FailureSet')
                        ? @{ $_->{failures} }
                        : $_,
                      @{ $arg->{failures} || [] },

  bless $guts => $class;

sub failures { $_[0]->{failures} }

sub contextualize {
  my ($self, $struct) = @_;

  foreach my $failure (@{ $self->{failures} }) {

  return $self;

sub stringify {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if (@{$self->{failures}}) {
    return join "\n", map "$_", @{$self->{failures}};
  } else {
    return "No failures\n";

sub build_struct {
  my ($self) = @_;

  return unless @{$self->{failures}};

  my $data;

  foreach my $failure (@{$self->{failures}}) {

    my @path = $failure->data_path;
    my @type = $failure->data_path_type;

    @path == @type or die "bad path info in build_struct()";

    # go to the appropriate location in the struct, vivifying as necessary

    my $p = \$data;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < @path; ++$i) {
      if ($type[$i] eq 'k') {
        if (ref $$p && ref $$p ne 'HASH') {
          die "conflict in path info in build_struct()";
        # if $$p already points to an error, replace it with the ref
        # I believe this can only happen with type errors in //all  -- rjk
        $$p = {} unless ref $$p;
        $p = \$$p->{$path[$i]};
      } elsif ($type[$i] eq 'i') {
        if (ref $$p && ref $$p ne 'ARRAY') {
          die "conflict in path info in build_struct()";
        # if $$p already points to an error, replace it with the ref
        # I believe this can only happen with type errors in //all  -- rjk
        $$p = [] unless ref $$p;
        $p = \$$p->[$path[$i]];
      } else {

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