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lib/Data/  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod =cut

sub NEW {
  my ($invocant, $arg) = @_;
  $arg ||= {};

  my @path = @{ $arg->{path} || [] };

  my $class = ref $invocant ? ref $invocant : $invocant;
  my $self = bless { path => \@path } => $class;

  if ($arg->{store_class}) {
    die "don't use 'store' with 'store_class' and 'store_args'"
      if $arg->{store};

    $arg->{store_class} = "Data::Hive::Store::$arg->{store_class}"
      unless $arg->{store_class} =~ s/^[+=]//;

    $self->{store} = $arg->{store_class}->new(@{ $arg->{store_args} || [] });
  } elsif ($arg->{store}) {

lib/Data/Hive/PathPacker/  view on Meta::CPAN

    unescape  => $arg->{unescape} || sub {
      my ($self, $str) = @_;
      $str =~ s/%([0-9a-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
      return $str;

    join      => $arg->{join}  || sub { join $_[0]{separator}, @{$_[1]} },
    split     => $arg->{split} || sub { split /\Q$_[0]{separator}/, $_[1] },

  return bless $guts => $class;

sub pack_path {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;

  my $escape = $self->{escape};
  my $join   = $self->{join};

  return $self->$join([ map {; $self->$escape($_) } @$path ]);

lib/Data/Hive/PathPacker/  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class, $arg) = @_;
  $arg ||= {};

  my $guts = {
    separator => $arg->{separator} || '.',

  return bless $guts => $class;

sub pack_path {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;

  my $sep     = $self->{separator};
  my @illegal = grep { /\Q$sep\E/ } @$path;

  Carp::confess("illegal hive path parts: @illegal") if @illegal;

lib/Data/Hive/Store/  view on Meta::CPAN

  $arg  = {} unless $arg;

  my $guts = {
    store       => $href,
    path_packer => $arg->{path_packer} || do {
      require Data::Hive::PathPacker::Strict;

  return bless $guts => $class;

#pod =method hash_store
#pod This method returns the hashref in which things are being used.  You should not
#pod alter its contents!
#pod =cut

sub hash_store  { $_[0]->{store} }

lib/Data/Hive/Store/Hash/  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod which hive entries are stored.
#pod If no hashref is provided, a new, empty hashref will be used.
#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class, $href) = @_;
  $href = {} unless defined $href;

  return bless { store => $href } => $class;

#pod =method hash_store
#pod This method returns the hashref in which things are being used.  You should not
#pod alter its contents!
#pod =cut

sub hash_store {

lib/Data/Hive/Store/  view on Meta::CPAN

      my $exists = grep { $key eq $_ } $self->param_store->$method;
      return ! ! $exists;

    delete      => $arg->{delete} || sub {
      my ($self, $key) = @_;

  return bless $guts => $class;

sub param_store { $_[0]{obj} }

sub _param {
  my $self = shift;
  my $meth = $self->{method};
  my $path = $self->name(shift);
  return $self->param_store->$meth($path, @_);

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