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lib/DBI/Profile.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

data doesn't alter it.

DBI::PurePerl does not support profiling (though it could in theory).

For asynchronous queries, time spent while the query is running on the
backend is not counted.

A few platforms don't support the gettimeofday() high resolution
time function used by the DBI (and available via the dbi_time() function).
In which case you'll get integer resolution time which is mostly useless.

On Windows platforms the dbi_time() function is limited to millisecond
resolution. Which isn't sufficiently fine for our needs, but still
much better than integer resolution. This limited resolution means
that fast method calls will often register as taking 0 time. And
timings in general will have much more 'jitter' depending on where
within the 'current millisecond' the start and end timing was taken.

This documentation could be more clear. Probably needs to be reordered
to start with several examples and build from there.  Trying to
explain the concepts first seems painful and to lead to just as
many forward references.  (Patches welcome!)


use strict;
use Exporter ();
use Carp;

use DBI qw(dbi_time dbi_profile dbi_profile_merge_nodes dbi_profile_merge);

$VERSION = "2.015065";

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(

use constant DBIprofile_Statement	=> '!Statement';
use constant DBIprofile_MethodName	=> '!MethodName';
use constant DBIprofile_MethodClass	=> '!MethodClass';

our $ON_DESTROY_DUMP = sub { DBI->trace_msg(shift, 0) };
our $ON_FLUSH_DUMP   = sub { DBI->trace_msg(shift, 0) };

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $profile = { @_ };
    return bless $profile => $class;

sub _auto_new {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($arg) = @_;

    # This sub is called by DBI internals when a non-hash-ref is
    # assigned to the Profile attribute. For example
    #	dbi:mysql(RaiseError=>1,Profile=>!Statement:!MethodName/DBIx::MyProfile/arg1:arg2):dbname
    # This sub works out what to do and returns a suitable hash ref.

    $arg =~ s/^DBI::/2\/DBI::/
        and carp "Automatically changed old-style DBI::Profile specification to $arg";

    # it's a path/module/k1:v1:k2:v2:... list
    my ($path, $package, $args) = split /\//, $arg, 3;
    my @args = (defined $args) ? split(/:/, $args, -1) : ();
    my @Path;

    for my $element (split /:/, $path) {
        if (DBI::looks_like_number($element)) {
            my $reverse = ($element < 0) ? ($element=-$element, 1) : 0;
            my @p;
            # a single "DBI" is special-cased in format()
            push @p, "DBI"			if $element & 0x01;
            push @p, DBIprofile_Statement	if $element & 0x02;
            push @p, DBIprofile_MethodName	if $element & 0x04;
            push @p, DBIprofile_MethodClass	if $element & 0x08;
            push @p, '!Caller2'            	if $element & 0x10;
            push @Path, ($reverse ? reverse @p : @p);
        elsif ($element =~ m/^&(\w.*)/) {
            my $name = "DBI::ProfileSubs::$1"; # capture $1 early
            require DBI::ProfileSubs;
            my $code = do { no strict; *{$name}{CODE} };
            if (defined $code) {
                push @Path, $code;
            else {
                warn "$name: subroutine not found\n";
                push @Path, $element;
        else {
            push @Path, $element;

    eval "require $package" if $package; # silently ignores errors
    $package ||= $class;

    return $package->new(Path => \@Path, @args);

sub empty {             # empty out profile data
    my $self = shift;
    DBI->trace_msg("profile data discarded\n",0) if $self->{Trace};
    $self->{Data} = undef;

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