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lib/Config/INI/  view on Meta::CPAN


#pod =head2 preprocess_line
#pod   $reader->preprocess_line(\$line);
#pod This method is called to preprocess each line after it's read but before it's
#pod parsed.  The default implementation just strips inline comments.  Alterations
#pod to the line are made in place.
#pod =cut

sub preprocess_line {
  my ($self, $line) = @_;

  # Remove inline comments
  ${$line} =~ s/\s+;.*$//g;

#pod =head2 handle_unparsed_line
#pod   $reader->handle_unparsed_line( $line, $handle );
#pod This method is called when the reader encounters a line that doesn't look like
#pod anything it recognizes.  By default, it throws an exception.
#pod =cut

sub handle_unparsed_line {
  my ($self, $line, $handle) = @_;
  my $lineno = $handle->input_line_number;
  Carp::croak "Syntax error at line $lineno: '$line'";

#pod =head2 finalize
#pod   $reader->finalize;
#pod This method is called when the reader has finished reading in every line of the
#pod file.
#pod =cut

sub finalize { }

#pod =head2 new
#pod   my $reader = Config::INI::Reader->new;
#pod This method returns a new reader.  This generally does not need to be called by
#pod anything but the various C<read_*> methods, which create a reader object only
#pod ephemerally.
#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class) = @_;

  my $self = { data => {}, };

  bless $self => $class;

#pod =head1 ORIGIN
#pod Originaly derived from L<Config::Tiny>, by Adam Kennedy.
#pod =cut




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Config::INI::Reader - a subclassable .ini-file parser

=head1 VERSION

version 0.029


If F<family.ini> contains:

  admin = rjbs

  awesome = yes
  height = 5' 10"

  awesome = totally
  height = 23"

Then when your program contains:

  my $hash = Config::INI::Reader->read_file('family.ini');

C<$hash> will contain:

    '_'  => { admin => 'rjbs' },
    rjbs => {
      awesome => 'yes',
      height  => q{5' 10"},
    mj   => {
      awesome => 'totally',
      height  => '23"',


Config::INI::Reader is I<yet another> config module implementing I<yet another>
slightly different take on the undeniably easy to read L<".ini" file

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