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	sub definition : method
		my $this = shift;

	return $this->{def};
	sub parents : method
		my $this = shift;

		return unless exists $this->{isa};	
	return Class::Maker::Reflection::inheritance_isa( @{ $this->{isa} } );

package Class::Maker::Reflection;

	no warnings 'once';

	our $DEBUG = $Class::Maker::DEBUG;

	use Data::Dump qw(dump);

        sub DEBUG : lvalue { $DEBUG }
		# DEEP : Whether reflect should traverse the @ISA tree and return all parent reflex's
	our $DEEP = 0;
	sub _get_definition
		my $class = shift;
			no warnings;
			no strict 'refs';
	return \${ "${class}::".$Class::Maker::Reflection::DEFINITION };
	sub _get_isa
		no strict 'refs';
	return @{ $_[0].'::ISA'};
	sub install
		${ Class::Maker::Reflection::_get_definition( $pkg ) } = $_[0];
	sub reflect
		my $class = ref( $_[0] ) || $_[0] || die;
			my $rfx = bless {  name => $class  }, 'Class::Maker::Reflex';
				# - First get the "${$DEFINITION}" href containing the class definition
				# - find the functions of that class declerated with ': method'
				# - catch up the parent class reflection if DEEP is activated
				# - update "${$DEFINITION}"->{isa} with its real @ISA
			$rfx->{def} = ${ Class::Maker::Reflection::_get_definition( $class ) };
			$rfx->{methods} = find_methods( $rfx->{name} );
			no strict 'refs';
			if( $DEEP && defined *{ "${class}::ISA" }{ARRAY} )
				$rfx->{isa} = \@{ *{ "${class}::ISA" }{ARRAY} };
				$rfx->{parents}->{$_} = reflect( $_ ) for @{ $rfx->{isa} };
	return $rfx;
	sub classes
		no strict 'refs';
		my @found;
		my $path = shift if @_ > 1;
		foreach my $pkg ( @_ )
			next unless $pkg =~ /::$/;
			$path .= $pkg;
			if( $path =~ /(.*)::$/ )
				my $clean_path = $1;
				if( $path ne 'main::' )
					if( my $href_cls = reflect( $clean_path ) )
						push @found, { $clean_path => $href_cls };
				foreach my $symbol ( sort keys %{$path} )
					if( $symbol =~ /::$/ && $symbol ne 'main::' )
						push @found,  classes( $path, $symbol );
	return @found;

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