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lib/CGI/Builder/Auth/GroupAdmin/  view on Meta::CPAN

# $Id:,v 2004/06/28 19:24:28 veselosky Exp $
package CGI::Builder::Auth::GroupAdmin::Text;
use Carp ();
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $DLM $VERSION $LineMax);
@ISA = qw(CGI::Builder::Auth::GroupAdmin);
$VERSION = (qw$Revision: $)[1];
$DLM = ": ";

# Maximum size of each line in the group file.  Anytime we have more 
# group data than this we split it up into multiple lines.  At least 
# Apache 1.3.4 this limitation on lines in the group file.
$LineMax = 8 * 1024;

my %Default = (PATH => ".", 
	       DB => ".htgroup", 
	       FLAGS => "rwc",

sub new {
    my($class) = shift;
    my $self = bless { %Default, @_ } => $class;
    #load the DBM methods
    return $self;

sub _tie {
    my($self) = @_;
    my($fh,$db) = ($self->gensym(), $self->{DB});
    printf STDERR "%s->_tie($db)\n", $self->class if $self->debug;

    $db =~ /^([^<>;|]+)$/ or Carp::croak("Bad file name '$db'"); $db = $1; #untaint	
    open($fh, $db) or return; #must be new

    while(<$fh>) {
	($key,$val) = $self->_parseline($fh, $_);
	next unless $key =~ /\S/;
	$self->{'_HASH'}{$key} = (exists $self->{'_HASH'}{$key} ?
				  join(" ", $self->{'_HASH'}{$key}, $val) :
    CORE::close $fh;

sub _untie {
    my($self) = @_;
    return unless exists $self->{'_HASH'};
    delete $self->{'_HASH'};


sub commit {
     my($self) = @_;
     return if $self->readonly;
     my($fh,$db) = ($self->gensym(), $self->{DB});

     $db =~ /^([^<>;|]+)$/ or return (0, "Bad file name '$db'"); $db = $1; 
     my $tmp_db = "$db.$$"; # Use temp file until write is complete.
     open($fh, ">$tmp_db") or return (0, "open: '$tmp_db' $!");

     while(($key,$val) = each %{$self->{'_HASH'}}) {
         print $fh $self->_formatline($key,$val)
            or return (0, "print: '$tmp_db' failed: $!");
     CORE::close $fh
        or return (0, "close: '$tmp_db' failed: $!");
     my $mode = (stat $db)[2];
     chmod $mode, $tmp_db if $mode;
     rename( $tmp_db,$db )
        or return (0, "rename '$tmp_db' to '$db' failed: $!");

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