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Scan.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

  $decl =~ /\G\s*/g or pos $decl = $pos;
  $pos = pos $decl;
  if (pos $decl != length $decl) {
    pos $decl = $pos;
    die "Expecting parenth after identifier in `$decl'\nafter `",
      substr($decl, 0, $pos), "'"
      unless $decl =~ /\G\(/g;
    my $argstring = substr($decl, pos($decl) - length $decl);
    matchingbrace($argstring) or die "Cannot find matching parenth in `$decl'";
    $argstring = substr($argstring, 0, pos($argstring) - 1);
    $argstring =~ s/ ^ ( \s* void )? \s* $ //x;
    $args = [];
    my @args;
    if ($argstring ne '') {
      my $top = top_level $argstring;
      my $p = 0;
      my $arg;
      while ($top =~ /,/g) {
	$arg = substr($argstring, $p, pos($top) - 1 - $p);
	$arg =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gs;
	push @args, $arg;
	$p = pos $top;
      $arg = substr $argstring, $p;
      $arg =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gs;
      push @args, $arg;
    my $i = 0;
    for (@args) {
      push @$args, do_declaration2($_, $typedefs, $keywords, $i++);
  [$type, $ident, $args, $decl, $repeater];


package C::Preprocessed;
use Symbol;
use File::Basename;
use Config;

sub new {
    die "usage: C::Preprocessed->new(filename[, defines[, includes[, cpp]]])" 
      if @_ < 2 or @_ > 5;
    my ($class, $filename, $Defines, $Includes, $Cpp) 
      = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
    $Cpp ||= \%Config::Config;
    my $filedir = dirname $filename || '.';
    $Includes ||= [$filedir, '/usr/local/include', '.'];
    my $addincludes = "";
    $addincludes = "-I" . join(" -I", @$Includes)
      if defined $Includes and @$Includes;
    my($sym) = gensym;
    my $cmd = "echo '\#include \"$filename\"' | $Cpp->{cppstdin} $Defines $addincludes $Cpp->{cppflags} $Cpp->{cppminus} |";
    #my $cmd = "$Cpp->{cppstdin} $Defines $addincludes $Cpp->{cppflags} $Cpp->{cppminus} < $filename |";
    #my $cmd = "echo '\#include <$filename>' | $Cpp->{cppstdin} $Defines $addincludes $Cpp->{cppflags} $Cpp->{cppminus} |";

    (open($sym, $cmd) or die "Cannot open pipe from `$cmd': $!")
      and bless $sym => $class;

sub text {
  my $class = shift;
  my $filter = shift;
  if (defined $filter) {
    return text_only_from($class, $filter, @_);
  my $stream = $class->new(@_);
  my $oh = select $stream;
  $/ = undef;
  select $oh;

sub text_only_from {
  my $class = shift;
  my $from = shift || die "Expecting argument in `text_only_from'";
  my $stream = $class->new(@_);
  my $on = $from eq $_[0];
  my $eqregexp = $on ? '\"\"|' : '';
  my @out;
  while (<$stream>) {

    $on = /$eqregexp[\"\/]\Q$from\"/ if /^\#/;
    push @out, $_ if $on;
  join '', @out;

    or die "Cannot close pipe from `$Config::Config{cppstdin}': err $?, $!\n";

# Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit program.
# Return to the principal package.
package C::Scan;


=head1 NAME

C::Scan - scan C language files for easily recognized constructs.


  $c = new C::Scan 'filename' => $filename, 'filename_filter' => $filter,
                   'add_cppflags' => $addflags;
  $c->set('includeDirs' => [$Config::Config{shrpdir}]);

  my $fdec = $c->get('parsed_fdecls');


B<This description is I<VERY> incomplete.>

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